Pure & Genuine Faith

                                                               1Tim.1:5 (NLT)

Opening Discussions:
1. What does it mean to you when you hear that a substance or product is pure or genuine?
2. What are some disadvantages of a substance or product not being pure or genuine?
3. What are some advantages of a substance or product being pure or genuine?

In the New Living Translation 1 Timothy 1:5 says the purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.
This shows us that it is possible for our faith to be fake or not genuine. The purity or genuineness of our faith is mainly determined by the things that we choose to base our faith on.

Below are some things we Must Not base our faith on if we want our faith to be pure and genuine:
1. The wisdom (hype, motivation & psychology) of men, 1Cor.2:4-5.
2. Our works of righteousness, Rom.4:13-16, Titus 3:5, Col.2:6-7, 1Cor.15:10.

Things that our faith should be based on for it to be pure and genuine:
1. The Works of Christ
2. The Word of God
3. The Love of God

Basing our faith on the Cross of Christ is foolish to some people and a stumbling block to some other people but it is a major key to having a pure and genuine faith, 1Cor.1:23-24. Several times in the scriptures, Apostle Paul himself said he didn’t base his faith on his qualifications nor on his observance of the works of the law, Phil.3:3-9.

The reason we can come boldly to the throne of grace is because of the blood and sacrifice of Christ. Allow the Blood of Christ to purge your conscience from dead works, Heb.9:14. Every other work (apart from Christ’s work) that you try to base your faith on is a dead work.

Speak what the Blood of Christ is speaking, Heb.12:24. Make bold declarations and requests based on what Christ has done for you through His suffering, death and resurrection. Let the revelation of Christ and His works dwell in you richly, Col.3:16. Study and meditate on the love of God, promises of God and on the things God promised and did for His people in the Bible. This is what the Bible describes as the word (or revelation) of God’s grace, Acts 20:32.


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