The Greatest Revolution Nigeria Needs in 2024

What you’re about to read is a summary of the major conversations that took place in my mind as I listened to the wonderful session by Mrs Ndidi Ukaonu at The Platform event held on May 1st2023.

 1.0 Clarification of Terms:

An Intrapreneur is not just someone who is working in an organization. That’s an employee. Not every employee is an Intrapreneur…..just as not everybody who starts a business is an entrepreneur. The major difference between an employee and an intrapreneur is in how they view their work and carry it out. 

Just like an entrepreneur, an intrapreneur employs innovation in his/her work. 

A certain mindshift needs to take place for an employee to shift and evolve into an intrapreneur. Mrs Ukaonu dealt extensively with this in her session. This is the greatest revolution Nigeria needs right now - The Intrapreneurial Revolution . 


2.0 The Great Need for This Revolution:

1.A.Intrapreneurship boosts national productivity – The more we have intrapreneurial workers, organizations will be more productive and this will lead to more productivity in the nation and a better economy for us.

2. B. Intrapreneurship is the foundation for Entrepreneurship – The more we have intrapreneurial workers, the more likely we will have successful entrepreneurs in the future.  


3.0 The Great Deception/ Misconception

So many people have a wrong mindset and attitude to work; especially working for someone else or an organization that’s not theirs. Many are not faithful and diligent, because they see themselves as mere employees and not intrapreneurs. They do not see how their being intrapreneurs in that organization will eventually lead to the growth of their capacity, the fulfilment of their potentials, and greater productivity for the nation. 

One of the greatest lies ever told is that “A salary is the money you are paid to forget your dreams.” In her session, Mrs Ndidi Ukaonu destroyed this negative mindset

She then went further to provide the right mindset of what work is:

The truth is that while being paid for working for someone, you can be growing your capacity, getting experience and connections, as well as many other things you need like suppliers, mentors, and sponsors (which she clarified and differentiated), to prepare and position yourself to achieve your dreams. One of the greatest benefits of working in an organization is the privilege and opportunity of getting mentors and sponsors.

She gave various examples of people who with this intrapreneurial mindset have transited and evolved into becoming great entrepreneurs


4.0 The Switch:  

How then can more people switch from just being employees to becoming intrapreneurs?

1.      By changing their mindset about work; especially working for someone else or an organization.

2.    By seeing (or being shown) how their personal goals and desires align with that of the goals and desires of the organization.   


There's so much more she shared in her very practical and enlightening session, and I would like you to please watch the video yourself. Here's the link:

She also has a wonderful book out where she expands a lot more on this initiative: 


You can order your copy on her website:

Here's the link to her Instagram page where she consistently dishes out enlightening and mind-shifting content:

Please check her out and follow her

I do hope you got some value from this post. Thank you so much for reading. Please feel free to share it with others.

My name is Ifoghale Efeturi and I'm a writer who helps pastors and thought leaders convert their thoughts and existing content into quality books. I also coach people to do the same.

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