This must be more than coincidence (About Obedience & Divine Provision)

I would like to share two stories with you that I pray will inspire and bless you greatly.
One is about something I experienced and the other is about an experience Pst Poju Oyemade had.
I shared part of my own story in Church Amazing Sapele and I have shared the full one in Church Unusual Benin. The reason I shared part in Sapele was because as at the time I shared it I thought God had finished what He was doing but I didn’t know that God was just starting. 

Now to the story.
I woke up one morning and it happened that our bags of pure water had finished. It also happened that my wife and I had no money on us at that moment. While in prayer that day I felt the Spirit of God stirring my heart to go and visit a member of our church in Sapele who had been sick for a while. After my prayers I shared the leading I was having with my wife and we decided to go and see her that morning.
On our way to her house, we entered a street and someone from a pure water distribution truck saw me and waved my car down and shouted “I want to give you water! I want to give you water!” I was shocked. He was not a member of our church but he visits our church during programs. I gladly stopped my car came down and opened my boot and he put 6 bags of pure water in my boot. I was so shocked and grateful that I took his number and in a bit of fidgety manner said I will call you when next our church office or myself will want to buy pure water next. He got back in his truck and moved on. My wife and I went to our church member’s house, spent some time with the family, greeted them and prayed with them.
Shortly after this experience I shared the testimony in church. I was so grateful to God that we didn’t allow our not having water at home or not having money on us to stop us from obeying God’s leading to go and be a blessing to someone. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.
Do you know what? For next five or six months we did not buy drinking water in our house. The reason was that this young man kept bringing 6 bags of pure water to us. Sometimes he would drop it by our house gate if he came and saw we were not at home. I don’t even remember how he got to know where I lived.
Do you think this was coincidence? Me, I don’t think so. I think this is a testimony of how our obedience to God’s leading can connect us with His amazing divine provision. It is also an encouragement that we should never allow what we have or don’t have to keep us from yielding and obeying God. God is our source and He can provide in different ways. When our spirit is charged (in fellowship with God) it is easier for us to receive divine signals from God. It is good to be a blessing to allow God use you to bless others.  

To the second story, in a message Pst Poju Oyemade was preaching he spoke about how he perceived that God wanted his church to contribute financially to an orphanage in Lagos. He obeyed and informed the church about what they were going to do.
He said someone who used to be a member of his church heard about what the church was planning to do and came to see him in his office one day. This person brought out his cheque book and asked Pst Poju what name he should write in the cheque for his contribution to the orphanage. Pst Poju immediately said he should write the name of the orphanage ofcourse.
Guess what happened next. This man wrote a 5million naira cheque for the orphanage and wrote another cheque of 20million naira for the church.
Just because Pst Poju obeyed God’s leading to contribute to an orphanage his church received a 20million naira gift.
He said he was also happy that he didn’t tell the man to write the cheque for the orphanage in the name of the church as that may have been a test also.
Once again I would like to ask; do you think this was coincidence? Once again I would also say, I don’t think so!
Our obedience to God activates divine provision in our lives. Especially when it has to do with blessing others. He that observes the wind will not sow, and he that regards the clouds will not reap, Eccl.11:4. Don’t let any wind, whether of recession or any other thing to stop you from yielding to God and sowing the seeds or doing the things that God wants you to do.
I hope that with this few points of mine…..  


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