Don’t Limit God (This may help someone)

Sometime in school I was praying before a service and I started hearing things that God was going to do in the service i.e healings that were going to take place.
One of the things I heard in my spirit was that God would heal someone of arthritis. In the service I said the other ones I heard but I didn’t say the arthritis one because I felt young people don’t have arthritis.
That same week I was driving back from class in a friend’s car and I saw a bandage on his hand. When I asked him what was wrong with his hand he said he had arthritis. I nearly fainted.

Sometime later we were having a program tagged Jabulani or so. During the ministrations I was hearing things that God was doing and I was saying them. I heard that someone had a boil on the leg and the boil was going down. I didn’t say that one. I didn’t want it to look like I was trying to sound like Pastor Chris or one other healing evangelist. I only said the ones that I felt were much easier for God to do.
This program was a Friday evening, On the following Sunday evening we were having prayer meeting and we had room for testimonies. A lady came out and said during the program on Friday a the prayers were going on she had a boil on her leg and immediately the boil went down.
I nearly slapped myself.

From that time on I decided I won’t limit God to my understanding anymore. I would just say what He stirs up in my heart when He does.  


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