What being a Sower really means Isaiah 55:10, 2Cor.9:10

Introduction: God gives seed to sowers. A sower is someone who has developed a lifestyle of sowing seeds. That you sow seeds once in a while does not make you a sower. Sowing has to become your lifestyle for you to be termed a sower. Every seed has power in it to produce more seeds.

Blessed to be a Blessing:
As a sower your motive of sowing is very very important. God wants you to have so that you can give (be a sower), Eph.4:28. Fruit (even of your labour) contains both seed & bread. Every time you bless someone you have just sown a seed. Your seed may be someone else’s fruit. A sower is more concerned about how to be a blessing than anything else. It is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35.
The reason God makes His grace abound toward you is so that you can abound to good works, 2Cor.9:8. The rich fool was supposed to ask “Lord how can I be a blessing with these blessings you have given me. God wants us to have a liberal soul (Prov.11:25) not a selfish one.  
God wants us to be diligent and dangerous givers, Eccl.11:4-6. Sow your seed in the morning, evening and always as God ministers to you. The Zarephath woman could give Elijah out of the little she had left because she was a sower, 1Kings 17:9-16. Jesus said there were many widows in Israel but Elijah was sent to a specific one, Luke 4:25-26. One reason is because she was a sower. The believers in the Macedonian Church were dangerous givers, 2Cor.8:1-7.
Make yourself available for God to touch and bless the lives of others with. You are a tree full of seeds; different kind of seeds.

Different Types of Seeds:
Love, gratitude & praise (10 lepers), obedience to God (sowing to the Spirit, Gal.6:8), your words (confessions), God’s Word, finances and material things, work & service, prayers etc.  See everything you are and have as a seed.

When you are always yielded to God’s leading to be a blessing unto others, you will have a bag (current bank account) in heaven, Luke 12:22-34. A fruitful person is someone who sows seeds into the lives of others. Seed is contained inside fruit, Gen.1:11. Also note that every time you yield to God and manifest the fruit of the spirit you are sowing a seed of the kingdom into your life and the lives of others.  

Also take NOTE of the following:
*God ministers seed to the sower, by always speaking to him and by always giving him fruit. Isaac sowed in the land according to God’s leading and he reaped a bountiful harvest, Gen.26:1-3,12.
*God is looking for sowers He can use to advance the economy of His kingdom, 2Cor.8:14, 1Kings 17:9.
*Don’t despise or look down on your seed. Sow it and you will have more seeds to sow.
*Allow your seed to die – look to God to multiply it not man. Be patient and don’t stop sowing for any reason. Do what you do for God to see and be pleased not for man to see you and praise you, Matt. 6:1. Another reason to keep sowing is that some seeds water past seeds. The Word of God is seed and it can also be rain, Isa.55:10-11.
*The two greatest seeds you can sow are:
1. To speak in line with God’s Word by the inspiration of the Spirit. This will produce every other seed. In Christ God has made provision for you to always know what to say and do, 1Cor.1:5, Rom.10:6-11.
2. To walk in love. E.g forgive, sacrifice, genuinely care and be concerned about others, 1Cor.13.  
You always have the ability to do these two things.

Conclusion: Don’t allow anything stop you from you from being a sower. Do it with simplicity (Rom.12:8) and with cheerfulness 2Cor.9:7. Be willing and obedient to God and like Isaac, you will eat the good of the land God has provided for you, Isa.1:19.


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