Follow Up is basically about showing love and communicating the truths of the gospel to people. In follow up, we consolidate our initial contact with a convert by continually communicating with him/ her for the purpose of influencing them to live the Christ Life. 
A disciple is a convert who is now deep in God, living by the Word and is actively involved in discipling others.
This should be the drive and focus of every believer for those they are discipling. This is what we all must be deliberately focused on. Imparting the full stature of Christ to everyone we are leading.
The full stature of Christ also entails having the same passion for souls and passion for God’s Work that Christ has.  
Every growing church must be deliberately and strategically positioned, partaking and advancing in this plan and will of God.

Benefits of Follow Up And Discipleship (FUAD):
* FUAD has a way of giving your life a sense of eternal meaning and purpose. It also creates a consciousness and responsibility in you to keep organizing your life and keep growing/ building yourself up spiritually so you can be strong and used by God to influence others.
* It is an opportunity (avenue) to do as Jesus did; reconcile men to God. Salvation alone doesn’t reconcile men. Salvation starts the reconciliation while discipleship completes it.
* FUAD is good work. It is the work of the ministry and it is for all believers; not just pastors, evangelists and missionaries. Through follow up we raise (develop) people and give them the opportunity to engage in the work of the ministry. We raise spiritual leaders for the Body of Christ. The more we train and build people the faster the work will get done. 
* It is a vehicle for spiritual development and maturity of believers (both for the disciple and the discipler).
* It leads to church strength, growth, maturity and the advancement of Christ’s kingdom on the earth, Eph.4:11-13.
NOTE: There will be challenges – but also know that these challenges are surmountable. This is another reason why you need to be very motivated from within.

  1. How those you follow up relate to you. Listen attentively and be observant.
  2. How the environment you are in affects your productivity and effectiveness in follow up.
  3. How motivated from within you are.
  4. See every challenge you face from the eyes of the Spirit.
  5. Know that you have the help of the Holy Spirit at your disposal. He is the guarantee of your fruitfulness.
Everything on earth is about God’s purpose being fulfilled not ours. Every other thing is a means to this end. E.g. prosperity is to establish God’s covenant, Deut.8:18 (for God to bring people into a covenant relationship with Himself).
God made Abraham’s name great and Blessed him so that through Abraham God could reach and Bless many nations.
God wants to establish people in His Life and righteousness through us.
Follow up visits, calls and prayers are not ordinary and casual. They are deliberately planned, purposeful and well prepared for. They are aimed at strengthening and maturing the saints.

When we do Follow Up, new converts won’t be left on their own. Through intercessions and instruction in the Word of God they are carried along spiritually.

Follow Up visits must involve a specific (planned) teaching from the Word and must be concluded with prayers. Praying shows our concern for them and makes them spiritually minded. It invites God into their lives and situations for signs and wonders.
NOTE: Always remember that the Lord is going with you.   
* Follow Up helps you (the disciple) to grow. It helps you practice love, faith and patience. You grow as you face and overcome challenges and make progress in the follow up process. You will grow and mature a lot as you carry out follow up. You will grow as you see your disciples growing too.
* In Follow up, the pastor’s message in church can be taken and deeply rooted in the convert or new member. 
* Without follow up the church will be full of spiritual babies (immature believers) and as such the Body of Christ would not be moving forward.

  1. Peculiarities of Urban Areas: High fences, security, financial class, tight work schedules, time constraint, etc. There are people who only answer calls that are related to their business. God still wants to reach all these kinds of people and He will show you how. Pray and ask God to show you and help you. Such prayers show God your commitment to souls and discipleship. Materials like Church TV Progs. Tracts, Devotionals social media can also be used. (You can print a fine card to introduce them to any of these tools. Just being employed can help you reach some class of people).
  2. Information Management: Supply of incorrect or incomplete data (address, phone number, etc). Stand by them and confirm, verify or help them properly describe their location.
  3. Ineffective Cell System: This happens when Cells leaders do not understand and are not committed to the Cell System.
  4. Weak Monitoring System: Supervision and monitoring must consistently takes place at all levels.
NOTE: We have authority over the devil and every challenge he brings our way. By God’s power we will keep being effective. By the power of the Spirit God makes us creative and able to conceive ideas and overcome these challenges. Be sensitive and open to the Spirit. The ideas are in your heart.

  1. Have a personal vision – for soul winning and discipleship. That’s what will motivate you to action. Understand the gospel, understand the value God places on the card (new member or new convert information card) in your hands.
  2. Utilize the Partnership of the Holy Spirit – He will reveal things to you, things to come, the wisdom of God. How to go about overcoming challenges and reaching people.
  3. Be spiritually intelligent – Know the Word of God. Don’t engage in arguments. Avoid such topics even if the disciple insists. God’s Word is either received or rejected.
  4. Strategic Planning – Goal setting and effective time management. Plan your goals and use time well. Be brief. Don’t be distracted. Refreshment or anything else can come later. Remember that you are a model to that person and everything you do sends a message to that person.
  5. Strategic Praying: Moses lifted up his hands for Joshua and the Israelites to have victory in a battle. Engage in regular and purposeful intercessions for the person. This prevents your efforts from being wasted. Use Paul’s prayers for the saints – Eph.1:16-21, Eph.3:16-19, Phil.1:9-11, Col.1:9-11. There is a lot of power in praying the Word.    
Every prospective disciple should be entitled to at least four weeks of intensive follow up. Except in some extreme cases.

TOOLS: Pray for them, send letters/ mails, sends text messages, make phone calls, give them good study materials and tapes (CDs, DVDs etc).


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