The God of Sustenance (A message by Rev. Williams Idehen)

God is not only a deliverer. He is also a sustainer. God doesn’t only want to deliver you. He wants to sustain you through your trial and storm. 

Sustenance is not for the trial or storm to go away but for strength to go through the trial or storm.
Trials and storms are not punishment but preparation for your next level. Trials and storms come to push you to your next level.
Sometimes you will go through things so that the praise that will come out from your life and testimony will make the devil ashamed.
God is your support. He wants you to lean on Him. Don’t look at the circumstance; lean on God.
Stay alive, hold yourself together, don’t give up. When you trust God He will put you together.
It’s the man who trusts God in the storm that gets victory. Take your issue to God in prayer and allow Him give you a vision of where He is taking you to. Study God’s Word and stir up faith in your heart to stay together and keep moving.
God sustained Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego through the fire. God was with Daniel through the lion’s den. God will sustain you.
When the devil says you are finished tell him no, ‘it is finished’.

Your redeemer liveth, Job 19:25. To redeem is to buy back. Jesus your redeemer is alive and He has already paid for that which you desire. He has bought it back for you

God restores. He will also make provision for every time you may have lost. When you experience God’s restoration you will forget your time of torment.


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