Keeping Your Eyes on the Glory of God (James 1:21-25, 2Pet.1:17-19, 2Cor.3:18, 2Cor.4:18)

Introduction: What you are seeing with your spiritual eyes at every given point in time is very important as a child of God; because we walk by faith (the eyes of our spirit) and not by sight (physical sight or senses), 2Cor.5:7. What you are seeing with your spiritual eyes should always be clearer and more real to you than what you are seeing with your physical eyes - Hab.2:1. In 2Kings 6:15-19, Elisha could operate in faith because he was seeing something that Gehazi was not seeing. Jesus Himself said He always saw and did what the Father was doing, John 5:19. The glory of God can refer to God’s will for your life or what needs to happen for God’s Name to be glorified in your life. God wants your eyes to always be on His glory (His will for your life). The human mind also works with pictures (imaginations). That is why you have to be deliberate about ensuring that the dominant pictures in your mind are always pictures that are painted by what God is saying to you.

Benefits of Keeping Your Eyes on the Glory of God:
1. It helps us to operate in faith and connect with God’s reality for our lives.
2. It saves our souls from the dangers of fear and doubting God.
3. It produces transformation of our lives and circumstances, 2Cor.3:18

How to keep your eyes on the Glory of God
1. Search, study and meditate on the Word of God.
2. Pray and stay on the Word of God until the picture gets clearer and direction begins to come, Joshua 6:2-4.  
3. Embrace God’s promises and praise Him/ rejoice for the fulfillment of His Word, Heb.11:13.
4. Declare God’s Word in faith and act in line with it, Heb.13:5-6, Rom.4:17-21.
 5. Avoid distractions and discouragements, Matt.14:25-31, 2Kings 2:9-14.

Conclusion: The Word of God confirms the will of God to us and it communicates faith to our hearts. It is the Word of God that gives substance to the things we are hoping for and gives us evidence of the things we are not seeing yet. It is your responsibility to keep strengthening what you are seeing in God’s Word, holding onto it, acting in line with it (because faith without works is dead) and following God’s direction if you want to see God’s glory (will) manifesting in your life.


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