Unleashing, Synergy & Intercession (3 Strong Things that have been on my heart for a while now)

Sons of God are being unleashed – more believers are coming into higher dimensions of their sonship and fullness of Christ. Many sons of God are being sent (given new platforms and grace for expression of God’s fullness and spreading kingdom influence and God’s touch).

Synergy - I know that this applies in many ways but since the beginning of this year I have been sensing a strong need for greater synergy among believers who are into media. Strategically use our platforms to advance kingdom purposes. The same applies to believers in other fields and platforms.

Intercession – The most important of all. I sense a greater call for us to spend quality time in the place of prayer in this season. Many more glorious things are going to happen in the place of prayer. Prayer will align us more with God and equip us for our unleashing and direct us to synergize even better. In the place of prayer there are people and purposes that God will be stirring in our hearts to pray and intercede for and our prayers will make much power available. The glory of the Lord will be seen.   


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