Keeping the Faith 2Tim.4:7

To keep the faith is to nourish, stir up, exercise and remain strong in faith at all times (good & trying times). What we do about our faith in good times will determine how much we would be able to keep the faith in trying times. The value we place on our faith will determine the seriousness with which we would be willing to keep it at all times. 

7 Importance of Our Faith:
1. Our Faith pleases God, Heb.11:6.
2. We live by our Faith, Rom.1:17, Gal.3:11, Heb.10:38.
3. By our Faith we access God’s grace, Eph.2:8, Rom.5:2.
4. Our Faith guarantees us victory, 1John 5:4.
5. Our Faith saves our soul, 1Pet.1:9.
6. Our Faith makes us live like God & become more like Him.
7. Our Faith enables us know & do God’s will.

Faith is not supposed to be alone (James 2:17) and it is not supposed to remain at the same level (2Pet.1:5-11). 

The following are more things that we need to add to our faith to keep it strong and alive:
1. Consistent Fellowship with God (Worship, Prayers & The Word), John 15:4-8.
2. Practicing & acting on God’s Word, James 1:22-25. 
3. Patience, Heb.6:12
4. A Good Conscience, 1Tim.1:19.
5. Praise & Thanksgiving, Rom.4:20
6. Humility, James 4:6&10
7. Love, 1Thes.5:8, Gal.5:6. 

The fuel for all of these things is fixing your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith, Heb.12:2. When the Bible says faith comes by hearing the Word of God, it actually means faith comes by receiving the gospel of Christ. It is the Good News of God's love shown to us by Christ and the wonderful things that God has done for us in Christ that fills our hearts with faith.  

If we are going to remain fervent in faith then our perspective and attitude to trials and difficult times must change, James 1:2-3. God wants us to give thanks always and to rejoice in hope unto the end, Romans 12:12, Hebrews 3:6, Col.1:9-11. God expects us to endure hardness as His good soldiers, 2Tim.2. The hardness you endure as a believer positions you to be a better soldier in God’s army.

Conclusion: God doesn’t want our faith to fail us in times of trials, Luke 22:32. Like gold your faith must pass through fire for it to become more valuable, 1Pet.1:7-8. God wants us to rejoice in tribulations, (Rom.5:3, 2Thes. 1:4) because they are working out for our good (2Cor.4:17, Rom.8:18&28). Joseph kept the faith, Daniel kept the faith, Job kept the faith, you and I can also keep the faith.


  1. We live by faith,this is indeed powerful. thank you so much for this reverend.

    1. You're right my sister. You're very very welcome! Thank you so much for your comment. God Bless U greatly'


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