My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part H

* God has graciously invited us into a very rewarding adventure to discover the unlimited vastness of His heart of goodness towards us.
His goodness is His glory and His glory is the realm we were designed to live and operate in. As we discover God's goodness our countenance will be changed and the world around us will see the countenance of God's goodness upon us and be drawn to Him. 

* Christ in us is our hope (guarantee) that we will experience God's glory and goodness. We need to be known as a people of hope. This assurance and hope of experiencing God's goodness (in the now and not in the future) will strengthen us and completely rid us of all frustration and depression in our lives.

* Judgment averts danger and preserves life. Love does not exclude judgment. Mercy does not exclude truthfulness. Protecting people's sinfulness in the name of love is not mercy but dangerous carelessness. 

God is love and He wants what's best for us that is why He judges sin. In His love God has poured out our judgment on Jesus. He has forgiven us and also changed our nature. God forgives us so we can be drawn to Him. Our consciousness of God's judgment should spur us on to fulfill our great commission. True freedom is not doing whatever we want but being empowered to do what is right. God disciplines us (primarily by His voice) so that His Blessings will not kill us. God will take us through processes to prepare us to have the right heart attitudes to receive and properly manage His massive Goodness and Blessings He wants to bestow on us. The purpose of God's favour on our lives is to advance His purpose for our lives and positively influence the lives of those around us; not for our self preservation and promotion.

* We must be ready to play our part to experience the fullness of God's promises for us. The Blessings and Goodness of God seen on us will be a very strong revival and evangelistic tool in these last days. We are not to wait for Christ to come and rescue us from this world but to do His work as His Last Days Army to transform our world. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God the Father. Whatever we believe about God that is not present in the life of Jesus is false. We should desire to reflect the goodness of God as much as Jesus did. 

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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