My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part C

God's Word reveals His nature and presence. We need to adjust our thinking to fit with God's true nature and presence and we need to live in this reality as our home both spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Everything about our lives should spring from here. 

God reveals His truth to us to transform us not to make us merely intellectually sound. God wants to transform us so we can experience His freedom. 

Freedom is the extent to which we have embraced God's Truth.

The lies of the devil (the liar and enemy of our souls), steals Life from us and empowers him over our souls, like it happened to Adam and Eve. Instead of bringing increase, willful disobedience will cause us to lose the little we have. Our entire being (spirit soul and body) is affected when we entertain a lie. Our identity and purpose are corrupted. The devil lies about who God is and who we are (identity), to corrupt our identity. 
By rebellion he (the devil) lost his own identity and he wants to corrupt ours too.

We must never have a thought about ourselves that God is not thinking about us. When we really consider how good and wonderful God is we will realize that thinking independent of God is not freedom, but is the worst kind of bondage. Considering how great and good God is, it is such a great honour and privilege to co-labour with God to manage all of His creations. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to always align our thoughts with God’s thought concerning us. This is the greatest kind of freedom and liberty possible. 

Our kingdom authority comes from our submission to what God has commissioned us to do. Our commission is in our original design.

God made Adam and Eve like Himself then He placed them in the Garden of Eden and commissioned them to be fruitful, to multiply and to fill and subdue the earth; not just the Garden of Eden. This commission was about productivity of all they touched, bountiful replication of themselves (God's likeness; walking in love for God, themselves and all God made) into all the earth, subduing every other part of the earth (which was under the dominion of Satan and his agents) and make all of the earth like Eden.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others. 

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi  


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