My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part F

Many times our poor understanding of the Old Testament makes us unable to see the Goodness of God as we should. We must understand that God the Father (especially as He is revealed in the Old Testament) and Jesus the Son are one and the same. Jesus is not nicer than God. He is a perfect reflection of God.

Four ways the Old Testament helps us understand the goodness of God:
1. It reveals the severity of sin: as the law was given to make us know our condition so we can turn to God for the solution. Sin contaminates everything it touches.
2. It exposes humanity's absolute hopeless inability to save itself: as the Old Testament shows us that no wilful power or self-help efforts of man could scratch the surface of dealing with man's sin problem.
3. It shows us our need of a Saviour: for with no human solution in sight; being found, saved and given life by God is our only option. 
4. It points to Jesus as our only hope and solution; for the Law, Tabernacle, Prophecies, stories and events all pointed to Jesus; God's perfect sacrifice and solution for man.

The advancement of God's Kingdom starts from our hearts. For example Romans 14:17 says the kingdom of God is not meat and drink (external things) but Righteousness, Peace and Joy.

The major reason Jesus healed and manifested God's power was out of His compassion for the lost and hurting; not to show off or prove anything to anyone.

Salvation is more than forgiveness of sins. It is the solution for man's entire being (spirit, soul and body). It also includes freedom from sickness and poverty and all form of evils, bondages and oppressions. 

It is the message of the Kingdom we are to be preaching now and no more the Law and the Prophets, Luke 16:16. 

The nature of our message determines the nature of the reality we live and minister in. The more we declare the message of the Kingdom the more we would see a display of God's government and influence of His love, power and purity upon the affairs of mankind. 

Many have replaced the Gospel of the Kingdom with the Gospel of Salvation, which is a part of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Gospel of salvation gets people saved and ready for Heaven while the Gospel of the Kingdom brings Heaven to earth by allowing God rule and transform our lives now and then through us transform our environments, cities and nations. 

Heaven is our destiny but bringing the Kingdom down to earth is our assignment.

The Gospel of the Kingdom focuses on God's dominion over everything that is inconsistent with Heaven; like sin, sickness and all forms of evil and oppression. By the Gospel of the Kingdom, all such things are broken off people's lives by God's superior dominion and we are able to bring about cultural change in various spheres of life and society.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


  1. Glory!!!! This has blessed me so much. Thank you pastor Ifo. Brilliant summary 👏

    1. Thank you soooo much Dr. Nkiru! I deeply appreciate your feedback. God Bless you greatly.


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