My Summary of BIll Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part D

God could have defeated Satan on His own but He wanted us (His delegated authority, image and likeness {Love}) to do it.
It was meant to be a gradual mission (from Eden to the entire earth) and Adam and Eve were adequately empowered for this mission. Adam and Eve's authority came from their willing relationship and submission to God. But instead of growing in this mission by rising or increasing in it by their relationship and submission to God, they fell.

The devil’s strategy (to steal Adam & Eve's dominion from them) was a subtle one and not forceful one. He had to deceive them to align themselves with him against God.

Man's agreement with the devil is what empowers him (the devil) to steal, kill and destroy. 
Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to whom we obey. By listening to the devil’s lies Adam and Eve’s dominion was lost.

Jesus came to clean up man's mess and restore man's dominion. He came to seek and to save the lost and everything man lost.

The devil has always wanted worship and while tempting and trying to steal Jesus' dominion, he asked Jesus to worship him.
He wanted to give Jesus a shortcut to do what He (Jesus) came to do which was to get all the kingdoms of the world back from the devil. Jesus rejected the short cut. He stuck to the plan which was for Him to die. 

Satan is not the opposite of God for he is a created being. He is more like the opposite of Michael. Satan can be destroyed forever by a single word from God, but God is using him as a chess piece and using everything he (Satan) does to work out together for our good in His eternal plan. Eternity is the cornerstone of all logic and reason.

Because of Jesus’ victory, God's original plan is now in force again! 
Jesus said all power has been given to Him so we should go and recover the earth and restore it back to God. Now we are to plunder hell, overcoming all evil that came on mankind by the fall and establish Jesus' rule by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The word Kingdom is King's Domain and King's Dominion.

We are to freely give the power God has freely given us to transform and bless our world, Matt.10:8. That is how God invades our world and impossible situations. Jesus destroyed the power of sin, sickness and poverty through His redemptive work on the Cross. Before the fall, Adam and Eve didn't have these things and now that we have been restored to an even better position than them, we should have more freedom and dominion over these things.

By declaring the gospel we give people opportunity to come to the King and be saved. Keeping quiet is keeping people away from eternal life.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share it with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi 


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