My God-Life Confession

In this season and beyond, I am conscious of the Life of God in me.
Eternal Life is in my spirit. It is both my future expectation and present reality.
I am a god on the earth, because I share in His divine Life and nature.
Therefore whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven.
I have the GodLife
I dwell in His secret place(Christ Jesus)
I abide under the shadow of the Almighty
I boldly declare; the Lord is my refuge and fortress in Him only I trust.
Surely He has delivered me from every form of evil.
In this season and beyond, I am conscious of His never failing love for me.
He demonstrated that by His death on the cross that offered me forgiveness of all my sins and much more.
I am conscious that nothing I go through now is a punishment for my sins for He was punished for my sake.
His perfect love has driven away all my worries and uncertainties. Therefore fear has no place in my mind,doubt has no place in my life. His love is shed abroad in my heart reminding me daily of how much he treasures me.
I am not afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flieth by day, nor the noisome pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday because I have His indestructible Life.
I have the GodLife.
One thousand have fallen by my side and ten thousand by my right hand but none has come near me.
No evil befalls me; neither does any plague come near my dwelling.
In this season and beyond; I am conscious of resurrection power within me.
Resurrection power is at work in me and for me.
Angels have been given charge over me to keep me in all my ways.
The Lord has carried me in His hands and I am protected from falling.
With long life he has satisfied me and shown me His salvation.
I have the GodLife.
Hallelujah !!!


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