A Tribute to Precious Okaredi

The memory of the just is blessed:…” - Proverbs 10:7

The news of the passing on of my friend and brother Precious Okaredi in February 2020 was a great shock to me. As I deeply feel the pain of his separation from us, I am also comforted by the fact that I will see Him again in Heaven. I also pray that God Himself will keep and comfort the wonderful family of my dear brother Precious Okaredi.

There are 5 Things that I will Always remember Precious Okaredi for:

1. He was very Passionate and Sacrificial: In the early years of my pastoring a church in Sapele, Precious was one of those who constantly gave me great joy because of his passion for God and his passion in joining me to do the work of God. There were many days that Precious would trek long distances from his home to our church location and back to his home. He would plug his earphones to his ears and carry his laptop bag on his back and he was off. So many people told me of how they saw him along New Road Sapele on his way to his house at Ogorode, Sapele. Despite this, he was always punctual and committed. He was also a very good singer.

2. He was once our Bible Study Leader: I remember that Precious was once our Bible Study Leader in church and he brought a new flavor into our Bible studies with the way he developed our Bible study outlines. For the first time we had the AIM of the study well outlined at the top as well as a detailed discussion segment as shown in the link below:

3. He was once in charge of our Media Unit: At a certain time, we decided as a church to put Precious in charge of our Media Unit. He was responsible for designing all our publicity materials and also overseeing the printing and setting up of handbills and banners. He was also in charge of our church social media pages. As a church, we decided to put Precious on a stipend to encourage him in carrying out this task. Precious was very committed and excellent at it. Below is one of the designs he did for a program we had:  

4. He was in charge of managing our church blog: As part of his duties as our Media Unit Head, Precious was also in charge of managing our church blog: www.mychurchamazing.blogspot.com
One of his duties was to ensure that after every service, the entire message was written out and posted on the blog by the following day. Precious was very committed to this task and he transcribed and posted well over 50 messages on that blog.

5. He created a video jingle for A Message by Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa: I once spoke to Precious about doing a video jingle with clips from a message by Archbishop Margaret Idahosa and he agreed to do it. I developed the script for him and he went ahead to cut and edit the video in line with the script.
The video is on YouTube and you can view it with this link below:

I am eternally grateful to God for the life of Precious Okaredi and he will be forever remembered for this and many other wonderful impacts he made in the lives of so many people.
God Bless the memory of Precious Okaredi. 

Written by Ifoghale Efeturi


  1. Indeed he was one great person we met in church amazing. Rest in brother.


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