My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part B

Division in the church gives permission for division in the world because we are to set the example for the world. 

Good theology is essential but theology without love is a loud clanging cymbal. Instead of the church to be showing the world the perfect example of love and unity there are many wars and divisions going on in the church. Words, accusations, character assassinations and slander are being used for these wars and the conflict is really over our different perspectives of the goodness of God. 
We must beware of our self-righteous theologies that create divisions among us in the Body of Christ.
When we really discover the goodness of God, we will walk in love and unity.

Romans 12:2 shows us that when our minds are renewed we will be able to prove the will of God. When our minds are renewed, we would see things from a divine perspective and we would be empowered to do God's will on earth as it is in Heaven. Impossible things will begin to look logical to us.

One of the meanings of the word prove is to approve or to authenticate. Knowing the original helps us to authenticate another original or decipher when a fake is in play. Knowing God’s character and nature as revealed by Christ and God’s Word will help us to know when something (like a doctrine or prophecy) is really of God or not.

We can reject a wrong thing a person says or does without rejecting the person. By the way we treat people who are wrong, we set a premise for how we would also be treated if we are wrong. Matthew 5:7 says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. We should value people for who they are in God and not because they get everything right; as none of us actually gets everything right always. 
In the Old Testament, a prophet was judged for giving a wrong word but in the New Testament it is the Word that is to be judged. We must treat people who believe wrong things with kindness; they were actually poisoned. But the lies they promote must be exposed as forgeries. 

Many wrong revelations of God's will are distorting many people's perception of God's nature, their approach to life and they are also creating a very great vacuum of the knowledge of the goodness of God in our world.

Some people now say things like Jesus doesn't heal or deliver from bondages anymore. In the Bible Jesus perfectly reflected God's nature and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  

To prevent distorting our revelation of the goodness of God we must not limit ourselves to the revelations and experiences of people from generation to generation to generation. We must focus on Jesus (God’s Word) as He is the original standard by which we can understand the goodness of God.  

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue later.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share it with others. 

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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