My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part A

Our understanidng of God’s nature and character is very very important. God is Good and Jesus is God's perfect reflection to man. Part of the announcement when Jesus was born was that mankind will experience peace and good will. This has always been God’s perfect intention for man because God is good.

God is never responsible for any evil or natural disaster and we must stop attributing such things to Him as that completely contradicts His character and nature.
We must also stop saying that God allows such things to happen probably so that He can show His mercy. That will also not be a good reflection of Him being a good Father indeed.

God can turn evil things around in His mercy but He does it as an act of redemption not because it was His intention for the negative thing to happen in the first place.

If we are not fully certain of God’s character, it will be difficult for us to boldly represent Jesus and God’s intention in the midst of negative situations. Our boldness attracts God’s power to manifest in the midst of situations. If we are also not fully certain of God’s character and nature, we would not be able to discern the difference between God's discipline and actual demonic assaults and we may be accepting things in our lives that are absolutely not God’s will for us.

Jesus said the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy but He has come to give us abundant life. Whatever looks like killing, stealing and destruction is absolutely not God’s will for our lives.

When we really understand God’s character and nature, we can perfectly reflect Him to the world as our Father. We would also be able to do the greater works He wants us to do.

God wants us to experience Him and His goodness. The Bible says taste and see that the Lord is good.

We should not allow any disappointment in our lives to make us doubt God’s existence or make us stop believing He is good as doing this will only deaden us and cut us out from experiencing Him and His goodness.

God is greater than we can ever imagine and He is more good than we can ever imagine.

Salvation is an invitation to partake of the Goodness of God.

Jesus came to give us a clearer picture of God's goodness than the Old Testament gives us.

We shall stop here today and we shall continue tomorrow.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share it with others. 

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi,


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