My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part E

Vision starts with identity and purpose. By our revelation of who God is, we experience a revolution in our identity and we will begin to think more based on kingdom and divine purpose. We will stop putting off to a further date (like eternity) things that God expects us to be walking in right now and we will stop accepting things that will not require us to exercise faith. We will stop trying to explain away certain scriptures like John 14:12 where Jesus said we would do the works that He did and even greater works.

We are often more convinced of our unworthiness than we are of God’s worth. We focus more on our ability than on God’s ability. God calls us the Body of His Beloved Son on the earth. This alone makes impossible things possible for us.

When we really see all Christ has done to make us who we now are in Him, humble worship and surrender to Him is what will emanate from our lives and not pride or arrogance at all. 

God took a risk on us by allowing us to make choices and not be robots. He wants us to willingly submit to Him out of our understanding of our great need and inability to exist without Him. Liberty is not doing as we please but having the ability to do what is right. Real freedom is given to the humble because pride leads to smallness. Liberty results from the freedom the Holy Spirit gives us by manifesting the fruits and benefits of being under the Lordship of Jesus. There is more freedom in the Kingdom (submitting to God's Lordship) than outside it (doing as we please). In this kingdom we rise by going low, we receive by giving and we live by dying.

The enemy of our souls wars against anything that will bring us true freedom. For example, right now in the western educational system the concept of a creator is being eroded and it is affecting the morality and way of life of people. Many negative trends and influences are now the order of the day.

When there is no creator, there is no design and without design there can be no consciousness of purpose, eternal destiny, accountability and the fear of the Lord; which is the beginning of wisdom (Psa.111:10, Prov.9:10). The fear of the Lord draws us to Him and does not drive us away from Him. Wisdom makes us understand life and our purpose for being on earth without questioning God's goodness in times of challenges and difficulties. 

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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