
Showing posts from September, 2016

The God of Sustenance (A message by Rev. Williams Idehen)

God is not only a deliverer. He is also a sustainer. God doesn’t only want to deliver you. He wants to sustain you through your trial and storm.  Sustenance is not for the trial or storm to go away but for strength to go through the trial or storm. Trials and storms are not punishment but preparation for your next level. Trials and storms come to push you to your next level. Sometimes you will go through things so that the praise that will come out from your life and testimony will make the devil ashamed. God is your support. He wants you to lean on Him. Don’t look at the circumstance; lean on God. Stay alive, hold yourself together, don’t give up. When you trust God He will put you together. It’s the man who trusts God in the storm that gets victory. Take your issue to God in prayer and allow Him give you a vision of where He is taking you to. Study God’s Word and stir up faith in your heart to stay together and keep moving. God sustained Shadrach, Mesh

This must be more than coincidence (About Obedience & Divine Provision)

I would like to share two stories with you that I pray will inspire and bless you greatly. One is about something I experienced and the other is about an experience Pst Poju Oyemade had. I shared part of my own story in Church Amazing Sapele and I have shared the full one in Church Unusual Benin. The reason I shared part in Sapele was because as at the time I shared it I thought God had finished what He was doing but I didn’t know that God was just starting.  Now to the story. I woke up one morning and it happened that our bags of pure water had finished. It also happened that my wife and I had no money on us at that moment. While in prayer that day I felt the Spirit of God stirring my heart to go and visit a member of our church in Sapele who had been sick for a while. After my prayers I shared the leading I was having with my wife and we decided to go and see her that morning. On our way to her house, we entered a street and someone from a pure water distribution

About Hurts & Offenses

A long time ago, a friend of mine did something that really hurt me. I was so angry that I decided to even cut off from this person and no longer even relate with this person. I actually didn’t tell the person about that I was upset with what the person did.  After a while I began to feel bad about my reaction towards the person and I repented before God and asked God for His help to forgive and love the person again. A short while after I did this, this person approached me for counseling and prayers about an issue that had persisted for a while in the person’s life. By God’s grace, together with someone else I prayed my heart out for this person. As I left my meeting with this person I felt so bad about the way I felt about the person before but I was actually more grateful to God for helping me to overcome my bad feeling towards this person because if I still had that feeling I wouldn’t have been able to minister to the person the way I was supposed to. You

Don’t Limit God (This may help someone)

Sometime in school I was praying before a service and I started hearing things that God was going to do in the service i.e healings that were going to take place. One of the things I heard in my spirit was that God would heal someone of arthritis. In the service I said the other ones I heard but I didn’t say the arthritis one because I felt young people don’t have arthritis. That same week I was driving back from class in a friend’s car and I saw a bandage on his hand. When I asked him what was wrong with his hand he said he had arthritis. I nearly fainted. Sometime later we were having a program tagged Jabulani or so. During the ministrations I was hearing things that God was doing and I was saying them. I heard that someone had a boil on the leg and the boil was going down. I didn’t say that one. I didn’t want it to look like I was trying to sound like Pastor Chris or one other healing evangelist. I only said the ones that I felt were much easier for God to do. This pro