
Showing posts from March, 2020

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part H

* God has graciously invited us into a very rewarding adventure to discover the unlimited vastness of His heart of goodness towards us. His goodness is His glory and His glory is the realm we were designed to live and operate in. As we discover God's goodness our countenance will be changed and the world around us will see the countenance of God's goodness upon us and be drawn to Him.  * Christ in us is our hope (guarantee) that we will experience God's glory and goodness. We need to be known as a people of hope. This assurance and hope of experiencing God's goodness (in the now and not in the future) will strengthen us and completely rid us of all frustration and depression in our lives. * Judgment averts danger and preserves life. Love does not exclude judgment. Mercy does not exclude truthfulness. Protecting people's sinfulness in the name of love is not mercy but dangerous carelessness.  God is love and He wants what's best for us that i

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part G

We are to carry the message of the Kingdom into the nations of the world (Matt.10:7, Acts 18:31). The message of the Kingdom is about Jesus and how He demonstrated with His words and actions what His world is like. So by the manifestation of the Kingdom in the lives of people, they are free from sickness and demonic oppression and other things that negatively affect the entire being of man because these things are not in Heaven.  By the message of the Kingdom, Christ's reality affects (is super imposed on) the reality of our world. The Kingdom is to be preached and displayed as Jesus perfectly did, for God's goodness to be known. Our salvation empowers us to see and perceive God's reality.  Like Jesus said in Luke 16:16 we ought to keep declaring the realities of the Kingdom so that people can keeping pressing into it. When Jesus said it is Finished, He was saying the demands of the Law and Prophets had been satisfied and it was now a new day. Repe

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part F

Many times our poor understanding of the Old Testament makes us unable to see the Goodness of God as we should. We must understand that God the Father (especially as He is revealed in the Old Testament) and Jesus the Son are one and the same. Jesus is not nicer than God. He is a perfect reflection of God. Four ways the Old Testament helps us understand the goodness of God: 1. It reveals the severity of sin: as the law was given to make us know our condition so we can turn to God for the solution. Sin contaminates everything it touches. 2. It exposes humanity's absolute hopeless inability to save itself: as the Old Testament shows us that no wilful power or self-help efforts of man could scratch the surface of dealing with man's sin problem. 3. It shows us our need of a Saviour: for with no human solution in sight; being found, saved and given life by God is our only option.  4. It points to Jesus as our only hope and solution; for the Law, Tabernacle, Propheci

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part E

Vision starts with identity and purpose.  By our revelation of who God is, we experience a revolution in our identity and we will begin to think more based on kingdom and divine purpose. We will stop putting off to a further date (like eternity) things that God expects us to be walking in right now and we will stop accepting things that will not require us to exercise faith. We will stop trying to explain away certain scriptures like John 14:12 where Jesus said we would do the works that He did and even greater works. We are often more convinced of our unworthiness than we are of God’s worth. We focus more on our ability than on God’s ability. God calls us the Body of His Beloved Son on the earth. This alone makes impossible things possible for us. When we really see all Christ has done to make us who we now are in Him, humble worship and surrender to Him is what will emanate from our lives and not pride or arrogance at all.  God took a risk on us by allowing us to

My God-Life Confession

In this season and beyond, I am conscious of the Life of God in me. Eternal Life is in my spirit. It is both my future expectation and present reality. I am a god on the earth, because I share in His divine Life and nature. Therefore whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. I have the GodLife I dwell in His secret place(Christ Jesus) I abide under the shadow of the Almighty I boldly declare; the Lord is my refuge and fortress in Him only I trust. Surely He has delivered me from every form of evil. In this season and beyond, I am conscious of His never failing love for me. He demonstrated that by His death on the cross that offered me forgiveness of all my sins and much more. I am conscious that nothing I go through now is a punishment for my sins for He was punished for my sake. His perfect love has driven away all my worries and uncertainties. Therefore fear has no place in my mind,doubt

My Summary of BIll Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part D

God could have defeated Satan on His own but He wanted us (His delegated authority, image and likeness {Love}) to do it. It was meant to be a gradual mission (from Eden to the entire earth) and Adam and Eve were adequately empowered for this mission. Adam and Eve's authority came from their willing relationship and submission to God. But instead of growing in this mission by rising or increasing in it by their relationship and submission to God, they fell. The devil’s strategy (to steal Adam & Eve's dominion from them) was a subtle one and not forceful one. He had to deceive them to align themselves with him against God. Man's agreement with the devil is what empowers him (the devil) to steal, kill and destroy.   Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to whom we obey. By listening to the devil’s lies Adam and Eve’s dominion was lost. Jesus came to clean up man's mess and restore man's dominion. He came to seek and to save the l

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part C

God's Word reveals His nature and presence. We need to adjust our thinking to fit with God's true nature and presence and we need to live in this reality as our home both spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Everything about our lives should spring from here.  God reveals His truth to us to transform us not to make us merely intellectually sound. God wants to transform us so we can experience His freedom.  Freedom is the extent to which we have embraced God's Truth. The lies of the devil (the liar and enemy of our souls), steals Life from us and empowers him over our souls, like it happened to Adam and Eve. Instead of bringing increase, willful disobedience will cause us to lose the little we have. Our entire being (spirit soul and body) is affected when we entertain a lie. Our identity and purpose are corrupted. The devil lies about who God is and who we are (identity), to corrupt our identity.  By rebellion he (the devil) lost his own ident

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" Part B

Division in the church gives permission for division in the world because we are to set the example for the world.  Good theology is essential but theology without love is a loud clanging cymbal. Instead of the church to be showing the world the perfect example of love and unity there are many wars and divisions going on in the church. Words, accusations, character assassinations and slander are being used for these wars and the conflict is really over our different perspectives of the goodness of God.  We must beware of our self-righteous theologies that create divisions among us in the Body of Christ. When we really discover the goodness of God, we will walk in love and unity. Romans 12:2 shows us that when our minds are renewed we will be able to prove the will of God. When our minds are renewed, we would see things from a divine perspective and we would be empowered to do God's will on earth as it is in Heaven. Impossible things will begin to l

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part A

Our understanidng of God’s nature and character is very very important. God is Good and Jesus is God's perfect reflection to man. Part of the announcement when Jesus was born was that mankind will experience peace and good will. This has always been God’s perfect intention for man because God is good. God is never responsible for any evil or natural disaster and we must stop attributing such things to Him as that completely contradicts His character and nature. We must also stop saying that God allows such things to happen probably so that He can show His mercy. That will also not be a good reflection of Him being a good Father indeed. God can turn evil things around in His mercy but He does it as an act of redemption not because it was His intention for the negative thing to happen in th e first place. If we are not fully certain of God’s character, it will be difficult for us to boldly represent Jesus and God’s intention in the midst of negative situations. Our

A Tribute to Precious Okaredi

“ The memory of the just is blessed: …” - Proverbs 10:7 The news of the passing on of my friend and brother Precious Okaredi in February 2020 was a great shock to me. As I deeply feel the pain of his separation from us, I am also comforted by the fact that I will see Him again in Heaven. I also pray that God Himself will keep and comfort the wonderful family of my dear brother Precious Okaredi. There are 5 Things that I will Always remember Precious Okaredi for: 1. He was very Passionate and Sacrificial: In the early years of my pastoring a church in Sapele, Precious was one of those who constantly gave me great joy because of his passion for God and his passion in joining me to do the work of God. There were many days that Precious would trek long distances from his home to our church location and back to his home. He would plug his earphones to his ears and carry his laptop bag on his back and he was off. So many people told me of how they saw him along New Road