My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part M

We should look forward to Christ's return but not forsake our responsibility of transforming our societies. When revival focuses on just the return of Christ it ends, while when revival focus on providing answers to people's lives it persists. Many people have allowed their anticipation of Christ's return to make them lose hope and refuse to develop and position themselves for influence and transformation of their societies. They focus on the return of our King instead of spreading His influence to others. This has given room to so much negative influence in positions of power today resulting in more evil and destruction of society.

We must not curse our persecutors but bless them. It is undeserved blessing that changes society not curses. The only way we can overcome evil with good is when we believe that righteousness is more powerful than sinfulness. 

Instead of being selfishly concerned about leaving this world, we should be concerned about the millions who are not saved yet. We need a balance of both: expecting Christ's return and fully engaging in manifesting the realities of His Kingdom to transform lives and our societies. 

If Jesus is the desire of the nations, as His representatives we should become desirable to nations because of the hope and solutions we have for them.

As priests, prayer is one of our primary duties. We need to pray for nations and pray God's great promises for nations (Joel 2:8, Jer.31:34, Zech.2:11, Zech.8:22) to become realities.

The outpouring of the Spirit enhances holiness. In Isaiah 35:8 the Bible talks about the highway of holiness. On a highway, people are encouraged to travel without obstructions. A time of righteous peer pressure is coming and it will be produced not by punishment or fear but by God's manifest presence (His glory). 

New Testament theology emphasises the power of holiness not just the power of sin.
A worshiping community changes the atmosphere over the city that creates a realm of easy access to know Christ.

Holiness in character is the manifestation of the power of God, Rom.1:4. What sin is to my soul, sickness is to my body. God hates sin and sickness that is why He judged them by Christ's death and suffering. We must not tolerate them. What we tolerate dominates us. 

Even the natural creatures are waiting to experience the realities and manifestations of the Kingdom from our lives, Isa.35:1-2. 

Our trust in God is very important in areas we are not yet clear or sure about His will or when things don't turn out the way we expect them to. When our knowledge of God doesn't lead us to a place of further surrender we experience greater frustration. God determines how He does what He wants to do. If we view God as our servant He will frustrate us, but if we view ourselves as His servants He will continue to amaze us. We don't control God by knowing His will; we yield to Him and trust Him.

We may not be able to always predict what will happen to us next but it is our trust in God that makes us powerful.

Bold faith stands on the shoulders of quiet trust.

- Bill Johnson.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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