My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part N

Our knowledge of God should take us to Him.

The size of God in our eyes must always be bigger than the devil and all our problems.

We should not miss the opportunities we have to give God the sacrifice of praise in moments we don't understand or exactly like what is happening around us. 

Faith doesn't deny the existence of a problem, it only denies it a place of influence. Our faith needs to endure in times of trials. We don't get the peace that passes all understanding until we give up our right to understand. 

God is attracted to weakness and brokenness. Not broken and depressed but broken because of our tenderness to Him. God wants us to seek Him for His promises to manifest 

When answers to prayer come to a yielded heart they release greater strength. 

There are times when our love for God can be measured by what we hate. We are supposed to hate the things He hates. God hates sickness and disease 

Sometimes we may be in dilemmas like John the Baptist found himself but we must learn to focus on what God is doing (scripture based theology) and not on what is not happening in our lives (experience based theology). 

We are living in the realities of two worlds. We need trust in God's goodness to survive. Expecting to see God's goodness keeps us from fainting or being swallowed up by what we are going through, Psa.27:13.

We value the outcome of situations but God treasures the process; as it reveals our devotion to Him. What we really believe about God becomes evident in trial.  

Our yielded soul is an indication of hope for healing to the world. We are to reign with Christ and Christ rules to serve. We are to serve with the heart of a king and rule with the heart of a servant. We rule to protect (by executing judgment on evil) and we serve to empower others.

Miracles happen entirely by God's grace. We don't need to panic in the process because we are assured of the outcome; all things will work out together for our good. 

We shall stop here right now and we shall conclude with the next post.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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