My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part L

Jesus is totally God and totally man. When He was on earth He did nothing as God. He chose to live with the restrictions and limitations of man. He was totally yielded to God and He did nothing of Himself. Being like us, He gave us an example to follow. That it is possible as a man to do what He did relying on God’s leading and ability in us. We should not be content to live any less than Jesus lived when He was on this earth.

Two things from Jesus' life that will help us live as He lived are:
1. He had no sin and His Blood has freed us from sin too.
2. Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is why He told His disciples to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We have the empowerment of the Spirit that Jesus had.

Demonstrating God's will requires risk. We need God working with us to accomplish His will, Mark 16:20. It must be beyond our talent and discipline. Things our talent and discipline can do will not challenge the powers of darkness and stir up the supernatural. God wants us to declare what He is saying and release His presence over all the earth, Hab.2:14. As we declare God's Word with courage, He will show up and confirm it. 

In revival, the Church becomes more convinced of a big God than a big devil. We should be more conscious of the power of holiness and the ability to influence our world with righteousness than the power of sin and its ability to contaminate us. There must be a change (shift) in our inside (perspective and consciousness) first before it can manifest on our outside. That is the nature of ministry; living from the inside out; releasing His presence. 

By touching the leper and healing him, Jesus was doing what the law forbade, to accomplish what the law could not accomplish. The Bible says a believing spouse sanctifies the entire unbelieving household. That is the power of holiness at work. We must shift our consciousness to the realities and effects of the Life of Christ in us. Faith in Kingdom realities manifests Kingdom realities. Daniel could live among ungodly people and influence them and the entire nation positively because holiness is more powerful than sin. It is the purity of Christ in us. 

Worship needs to be the primary focus for all we are and do and it should drive the renewal of our minds, Rom.12:1-2.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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