My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part J

In the feeding of the five thousand, the disciples of Jesus felt it was not possible so they were not willing to do anything about it. But Jesus knew it was possible so He activated God’s provision for that situation. Many times God wants us to understand His will, believe it and activate it instead of allowing things go bad and then blame Him for it by saying it was His will or that He allowed it. 

Stupidity often looks like intelligence in the absence of experience.
- Bill Johnson 

God has desires that may or may not be fulfilled. He has the power to do whatever He wants but He wants us to take responsibility and co-labour with Him for the fulfillment of His will (Thelemas) on the earth. 

Is God really in control i.e. responsible for everything that happens; like Hitler, cancer and earthquakes? He is in charge but He is not in control, like a parent is in charge of what happens in the home but not everything that happens in the home is approved or the idea of the parent. We must be careful of how we respond to heart breaking incidences. We must stop adopting lazy theologies of shifting blames to God instead of taking responsibility for ensuring His will is done.

We are in control of what happens on earth. Jesus gave us an example by the way He lived and He has given us His authority and the resurrection power of the Spirit and He also said we would do greater works than He did. It is time for us to maximize all we have been given to ensure that we manifest the glory of Jesus in all situations instead of giving excuses.

The fact that God can turn around any situation for our good does not mean that He is responsible for that situation. By adopting such a mentality we would make people confused about God's nature and His willingness to save them.

God has invited us voluntarily into a relationship with Him so that in alignment and partnership with Him we can see to more manifestations of His will on earth. God has done His part to make all of this possible. For this to happen, on our part we must consistently pray; that God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, Matt.6:10.

The will of God is not complicated. Jesus is the will of God and He points to a Perfect Father who has great dreams and desires for us (His children); for both now and eternity. This understanding will greatly affect our experiences in life.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi 


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