My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part K

What we call the Lord's Prayer is an example of the things we should put our attention and affection on when we are praying. It should be called the Disciple's Prayer. 

The Kingdom of God becomes manifest through prayer. From the opening and closing of the prayer Jesus taught, we see that it's all about the Father's Kingdom. It's about family. The Kingdom of God is about family. 

Our effectiveness in ministry and representing Jesus well is greatly hinged on our deep understanding that God is really good. 

We prophesy according to our faith (Rom.12:6). It is easier to prophesy judgment than reformation when our confidence is more in the power of sin than in the power of the gospel.

By faith (intimacy with God) we need to know and declare the purposes of God and pour out His Spirit for our society to be blessed and enhanced. We are not to just talk about the evil going on like our TV newscasters and Newspapers do.

Like Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 9:45, there are things (like cursing or wishing evil on people) that we can't think of doing when we understand the Spirit and Anointing of Jesus that is upon us. Jesus didn't come to pour out judgment He came to take the judgment of the world on Himself. Now He wants us to release life, hope and a future to our world.

The entire harvest of the nations are harvestable right now. The fields are white and ready for harvest, John 4:35. Only by a strong conviction of God's goodness would we be able to pursue the breakthroughs the earth desperately yearns for right now.

Chasing the money changers out of the temple was love; because Jesus hates whatever misrepresents the Father. They were seeking personal gain instead of serving the people. Saying God uses sickness to discipline His children is misrepresenting the Father.

Instead of creating doctrines that allow lack or anything that is not God's will, we should seek God till His will manifests. The disciples were surprised that they couldn't heal the boy that was possessed with a demon, and they asked Jesus about it. They expected the boy to be healed. We should always expect manifestations of God's power and ask God why when we don't.

Prayer is a major part of being fruitful, John 15:7-8.

We shall stop here right now and we shall continue soon.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share with others.

Summary by Ifoghale Efeturi


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