The Fulfillment of Obadiah 1:17

Obadiah 1:17 says but upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of 
Jacob shall possess their possessions.

In the Old Testament, this scripture was a prophecy but in the New Testament it is already a reality.

We have come to Mount Zion, Heb.12:22 (In Christ). Actually we (who believe in Christ) are mount Zion. We are the city of the living God. A city set on a hill that cannot be hid.

We have been delivered, Col.1:12-13, Heb.2:14-15 (In Christ). 

We have been made holy, 1Cor.1:2, Heb.10:14 (In Christ).

What our real Possessions are – Obadiah 1:18-20 (The areas over which you are consuming people – having influence) Psa.2:8

The Purpose of Possessing our possession (having influence) is Kingdom Advancement – Obadiah 1:21, Acts 1:6-8

We are in the days of His power, Psa.110:1-2, Heb.1:1-3, 13. God is empowering us to go into our various spheres of influence and function and conquer just as Jesus function and conquered.

We are Christ's Ambassadors and Witnesses.

We are the saviours that Obadiah 1:21 says will arise out of Zion. To extend God's Kingdom into all the spheres and kingdoms of this world.  


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