(My jottings) from a Message by Rev. Oje Ohiwerei

2Peter 3:3 – scoffers will arise who after their lusts will scoff at the message of Christ’s return.
People have risen today who minister and preach terrible things. Preaching things that will make people do things that will satisfy the desires and lusts of the preachers. Hardly do preachers today talk about the coming of Christ. The fire people should be talking about more is the fire God will use to destroy the world at the end. Our God is a consuming fire.
It will be so foolish for us to ignore the signs of Christ’s coming that are everywhere. From the present signs as stated in Matthew 24 we are most likely the generation that will see the return of Christ. When God speaks to the church He speaks to the church as a whole. Jesus wasn’t just referring to the particular generation that was hearing Him at that time.
Jesus said as the days of Noah were so shall the coming of the Son of Man be, Matt.24:37-44.
Jesus said we would not know the day or the hour but He did not say that we would not know the season. One reason why some people have scoffed is because of many who have come up to predict dates that Christ will return.
About the signs, there are even some none believers who are reading the Bible and studying other things because they know the end of the world is coming. God never leaves Himself without a witness. God has a way of reaching to even none believers even if they don’t exactly know what He has in mind they will be aware of it.
Nowadays, it is even easier to reach out to occultic people than to reach out to some Europeans. The occultic people know about offering sacrifices and all. All they need is to understand how Christ is the ultimate sacrifice and to put their faith in Him. So somehow we have an opportunity with them.
There’s a lot of fuss now about aliens and life on another planet. It is true that there is life on another planet. The aliens they are referring to are actually Angels. The planet is Heaven. What they see are the fallen angels who take up forms and manifest on the earth. Angels have special powers.
We on the other hand, see and experience God’s Angels. During the six day war, people testified of seeing angels and even Abraham, telling them to go back and not fight with Israel. Abraham saw three men who appeared to him. One was God and the other two were angels. Note that it was not Father, Son and Holy Ghost. You will never see the three of them appearing differently at the same time, because they are One. The LORD your God is One God.
The men of Sodom even saw the Angels and desired to have them. Angels are beings like us and they have their own minds and wills. That is why some of them could choose to rebel against God and fall. On this earth, Angels are not legitimate because to be legitimate you have to be born physically. That is why even Christ had to be a partaker of flesh and blood to be legitimate on this earth.
Angels are present in our church meetings as wells as demons. The demons try to cause distractions or wandering of thoughts and make people sleep.       
The issue of aliens is not strange. We are also aliens. We are not born by corruptible seed but by the incorruptible Word of God. We are both physical beings and spiritual beings. That’s why the Bible says we should live our lives like strangers and pilgrims on this earth.

As it was in the days of Noah; there was sorcery, sodomy and scoffers. Noah on the other hand was watching. The way to watch is to be preparing in line with God’s direction. No matter how foolish the directions may look. Noah didn’t try to modernise the directions God gave him. He had to build an ark in the middle of the desert. Usually you build an ark near a sea or ocean. When he was through and his family and the animals had entered, God Himself closed the door of the ark.
Our ark today is our lives. Christ is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. He is coming back for a prepared church. Is the church today preparing? It is as we are preparing and making adjustments that spots and wrinkles would be disappearing from us.
The first place these adjustments must be made is in our thoughts; the way we think. We should think like Christ. OUR LIVES GO IN THE DIRECTION OF OUR DOMINANT THOUGHTS. Our thought life must be different from that of this world and patterned after Christ and His ways.
It is the bride that makes herself ready, Rev.19:7. God makes the provisions but we make ourselves prepared; by following His leading and directions. By that which every part supplies, the whole Body makes increase and edifies itself in love, Eph.4:16. We are to prepare ourselves. We are to be watching. You can pray amiss but you cannot watch amiss. If you will really watch you will not pray amiss.
Couples who are quarrelling, are they watching for the LORD’s coming? There are even things that people can stand up from prayer and go and do like watch pornography, but people who are really watching for Christ’s return cannot do them.
And this is our salvation; the hope. The helmet of salvation is the hope of Christ’s return, 1Thes.5:8. He that has this hope in him purifies himself. We were not just saved. We were saved to wait for the return of Christ, 1Thes.1:9-10. Are we waiting for Christ’s return?  


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