Kingdom Strategies for National Transformation

Text: Matt.6:33
Introduction: We desperately need God in our Lives, Leadership and Nation. A fool says in His heart there is no God (Psa.53:1). The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov.9:10) and makes us depart from evil (Prov.16:6). Democracy is not the best form of government. ‘Democracy’ is only good to the extent that its practitioners acknowledge God in their ways. Even if leaders and citizens are not exactly Christians it is the little fear and glory of God that they have and the righteous ways that they follow that makes them lead right and bring about development to their nations and societies. Like when Israel rejected God and wanted a king like other nations (1Sam.8:5-7), there seems to be a gradual progress in rejecting and rebelling against God and His ways in various nations and governments of the world. People no longer want God and His ways to rule in their affairs anymore.

Things we must do:
1. Long for the souls of men to be saved and keep reaching out to them. The natural man doesn’t have the ability in Himself to do right. It is God who works in us making us willing and able to do His will, Phil.2:13.
2. Keep discipling believers till they are fully transformed into the image of Christ, Rom.12:2.
3. Believers should take responsibility for their nation and consistently pray for all citizens and the government, 1Tim.2:1-4.
4. As believers we must be more deliberate about being the salt and light God has made us to be, Matt.5:1-16. 
5. Citizens must be disciplined and loyal / supportive to the government, Rom.13:1-3.
6. Citizens must keep taking things like their educational, economic and political advancement to the next level.
7. Leaders must enforce discipline, Rom.13:4-5.
8. Leaders must create enabling environment things like educational, economic and political advancement, Prov.29:2 using the wisdom of God like Joseph did in Egypt.
9. Leaders and citizens must uphold judgment and justice, 2Sam.8:15. (Do the right things and treat people fairly).
10. Please feel free to discuss more strategies in the comment section below.
Conclusion: National Transformation is a by-product of advancing God’s kingdom (doing God’s will) on the earth. Our focus must continually be on our character and how we can collaborate with others towards experiencing growth, development and transformation in our nation. 


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