Today we shall study a few scriptures to get a deeper understanding about God’s mind when it comes to interceding for others.
*Ephesians 6:18 - Praying for others is something we should always do. We should persevere and be persistent in it.
*Luke 22:31-32 - our prayers can help sustain the faith of others and prevent the devil from sifting them as wheat.
*John 17:9-21 - Interceding for others was a major part of Jesus’ life. He prayed for His disciples and even prayed for us who will become saved through the ministry of the disciples.
* Rom.1:9, 1Thes.1:2, Philemon 1:4 - Paul always gave thanks and prayed for other believers.
* Col.4:12 - Paul said Epaphras labored fervently in prayers for the Colossian believers,.

The following are examples of people that we can intercede for: Believers, Family members, Spiritual leaders (Eph.6:19, Col.4:3), Governmental Leaders, All citizens of your country (1Tim.2:1-4), specific people you know have needs.

Exercise: List some things you think we should pray about when interceding for others?  

Important Things to note when interceding for others
1.     Practice Philippians 4:6-7 – don’t be anxious, pray about everything, give thanks.
2.     Rely on the leading and help of the Spirit.

Conclusion: Two of the greatest prayers we can pray for others are for their salvation and for God to open their eyes (give them wisdom for their area of need). When we give thanks and pray for others we should do it in faith knowing that our prayers are going to avail much (have great effect), James 5:16.


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