(Study) Growing in your Christ Consciousness

Text: Ephesians 3:17, Galatians 2:20, Galatians 4:19

Introduction: As a believer, one of the major growths that should be taking place in your life is your growth in your Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness here means having the same mindset that Christ has and seeing yourself the exact way that Christ sees Himself. If you are going to represent Christ effectively, then having His mindset is a must and seeing yourself the way He sees Himself is a must.

Exposition of our Texts:
Eph.3:17 – Ephesians 1:1 shows us that this verse was written to the saints and faithful in Christ who were at Ephesus. This shows us that it is one thing for Christ to be in you and another thing for Christ to dwell in you by faith. Christ dwells in you by faith as you develop His mindset and see yourself as Him.    

Gal.2:20 – Apostle Paul had a certain mindset that made him live the way he did. He saw himself as dead and saw himself as Christ. As such he lived by the faith of Christ; not by his faith.

Gal.4:19 – Christ was in the Galatian believers but Christ had not been fully formed in them. That is why they were not experiencing their divine inheritance and were being deceived by false teachers (as the entire chapter is talking about). They were not yet seeing themselves as sons of God just like Christ.  

Advantages/ Benefits of having this Christ consciousness.
1.       Manifesting the faith of Christ.
2.       Manifesting the love of Christ.
3.       You will be most pleasing to God, Luke 3:22.
4.       You will walk in newness of Life.
5.       You will be a more effective witness for Christ.
6.       You will have the strength and capacity to understand the things of God more, Eph.3:17-19. 
7.       You will not be tossed to and fro by winds of doctrines and deceptions of the devil, Eph.4:13-14.
8.       Please list others.

Things that can help us develop this Christ consciousness.
1.       Desire, Phil.3:10
2.       Fellowship with God.
3.       The Word of God.
4.       The Holy Spirit, Eph.3:16

Conclusion: As a believer your destiny is to be conformed to the exact image of Christ, Rom.8:29 and Eph.4:13. This is the greatest hope that you should have and be looking forward to, Col.1:27 and 1John 3:3. God the Father wants us to be able to speak of Christ the same way Christ spoke of Him in John 14:9 (if you have seen me you have seen the Father). We are one with Him. We are one Spirit with Christ, 1Cor.6:17 and as He is so are we in this world, 1John 4:17.


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