How Remembering God’s Word can make us Thankful Always

Text: James 1:19-22
Introduction: One of the things that can help us fulfill 1Thessalonians 5:18 (giving thanks in all things) is our ability to remember God’s Word in every situation we find ourselves in.

Analysis of our Text:
Verse 19 - It is the Word of God that God wants us to be swift to hear or remember. God doesn’t want us to speak unless what we are saying is in line with His Word or His Will. When our mind is filled with God’s will about a situation it is easier for us to be thankful rather than get angry.
Verse 20 – Human anger cannot fulfill God’s righteous will. It is easier to do right (God’s will) when you are not emotionally worked up by anything you are going through. This should be our priority (doing God’s will; not letting out our emotions).
Verse 21 – When we are getting worked up what we need to do is to be meek and lay aside the negative tendencies that are trying to arise in us and allow the Word of God to stir up in us and guide our actions.
Verse 22 – Our willingness to practice and live out God’s Word is a major game changer in our lives. We cannot go anywhere or make any progress spiritually without this.

How the above can be applied to our lives: What comes to our mind in trying times is very important. This is one of the major challenges we have nowadays as Christians. We can’t forget we are Christians and God’s Word is supposed to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We can do this by the help of the Holy Spirit. Col.3:16-17 also shows us that filling ourselves with God’s Word is a major key to thanking God in everything we do.

Conclusion: We need to keep filling ourselves with God’s Word, we must continue to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we need to be willing to remember God’s Word in all situations and we need to be willing to give thanks and do God’s Word in every situation we find ourselves.    


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