
How Are You Engaging Life?

  Too many people settle for less in life, feeling powerless or viewing fulfillment as unattainable. But I've learned from experience that engaging life effectively can lead to greater fulfilment, better decision-making, personal growth, improved well-being, stronger connections, and positive contributions to others' lives.     My Journey to Better Engagement I once struggled with maintaining friendships, constantly losing connections despite my efforts. Determined to change this, I examined my approach and made significant adjustments: • Self-discovery: I defined my values and true identity. • Selective relationships: I chose friends based on shared principles and purpose. • Boundary setting: I learned to differentiate between colleagues, acquaintances, and friends. • Emotional resilience: I'm developing strategies to prevent others' attitudes from negatively affecting me.     The Impact of Social Relationships Research shows that strong social co

How Message Quotes Are Compiled And Designed At The Historic Miracle Centre

  I'm sure you must have seen designs containing quotes that were made during church gatherings or some other events. Something like this: In this blog post, I will be showing you briefly the basic system and structure used in the church I attend - Church of God Mission International, The Historic Miracle Centre, Benin City.  The aim of this post is to inspire and guide any church media team that is interested in either setting up such a structure and system, or beefing up the structure/system they have. So let's dive right into it!    There are basically 5 Whatsapp groups that have been created:   I'll briefly explain what happens in each group: CONTENTS is where people jot down quotes during the service and post. REVIEW TEAM is for those who go through the quotes and edit them before sending them to the next team. ( This is the team I belong to...but don't tell anybody ). GRAPHICS UNIT is for those who design the quotes they receive from the review team. Designed q

The Greatest Revolution Nigeria Needs in 2024

What you’re about to read is a summary of the major conversations that took place in my mind as I listened to the wonderful session by Mrs Ndidi Ukaonu at The Platform event held on May  1 st ,  2023.   1.0 Clarification of Terms: An Intrapreneur is not just someone who is working in an organization. That’s an employee. Not every employee is an Intrapreneur…..just as not everybody who starts a business is an entrepreneur. The major difference between an employee and an intrapreneur is in how they view their work and carry it out.  Just like an entrepreneur, an intrapreneur employs innovation in his/her work.  A certain mindshift needs to take place for an employee to shift and evolve into an intrapreneur. Mrs Ukaonu dealt extensively with this in her session. This is the greatest revolution Nigeria needs right now - The Intrapreneurial Revolution .    2.0 The Great Need for This Revolution: 1. A. Intrapreneurship boosts national productivity – The more we have intrapreneurial

Final Part - The Greatest Lesson I Learnt From A Bank Robbery I Experienced

 We started hearing rumbling and shouts from the robbers and those being threatened by them. We remembered there was a cctv up on the wall and most of us tried to sit directly under the cctv on the floor, to hide from it's view. I remember the robbers came twice to bang on the doors of the room we were in. As they banged, they commanded that the door be opened. We were scared but ignored them. After a while, they came with the manager (an elderly woman) and commanded that she opened the door or they'll do something to her. Remember the man in charge of cash was in the room with us. He became worried and wanted to open the door so they won't hurt the manager. We were really scared because we didn't know what was going to happen next. She was pleading with them that she didn't have the key and could not open the door. Then we heard the manager make a statement. She said "Oh! They have locked this place and run away. They ran away and left me." She repeated i

The Greatest Lesson I Learnt From A Bank Robbery I Experienced

It was 2003, in one of the branches of First Bank in Sapele. I was doing my IT at the end of my 3rd year in university. I worked in several units of the bank from cash and clearing, to customer service, to bulk room.  I was in the bulk room when the bank robbery took place. When I was transferred to the bulk room, I had a new boss. I think he was a member of Christ Embassy. Apart from the occasional tips I got after helping customers count and confirm their bulk cash, I really enjoyed listening to my new boss talk and how jovial he was.  I remember that while gisting with another HOD in the bank my boss once said "if those bad people ever come here, they will not see me and I will not see them." He said "I will just lock this door and that door and that will be it." There was an iron door close to his seat and another one close to my seat. I smiled and nodded my head in agreement with him. I think he made this statement again in another conversation and I think some

How I stumbled on a simple way to cut videos

  Some time in January 2023, I was watching a video on my laptop with VLC Media player. It was a message by Pst Ayo Ajani. Then I right clicked on the video and saw these icons that I have always seen before and ignored. As you can see on the displayed picture, there is an option for record and stop. I don't know why I decided to just try it out that day, and boom! I cut a video and had a made short clip for the very first time!๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸŽ‰ I kept on trying it and discovered how to time it properly. Since that time I have also learnt from YouTube how to use another free software on my laptop to cut longer and better videos. I recently had the privilege to assist a friend cut some videos for a post she wanted to do in a Whatsapp group for Kingdom Business professionals. I actually used this VLC method for it๐Ÿ˜€ So here's why I'm doing this post: There are certain things you may have been seeing and ignoring because you're not sure how it works or if you can do it. But they are

‘Roast’ Your Audio/ Video Files (Make Your Substance Precious)

  “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” Prov.12:27 In his book ‘Buy The Future’, Dr. Mensah Otabil used the above scripture to give a very powerful admonition of how a hunter can kill an animal, take it home and cook it for his immediate consumption and that will be the end of that hunting effort. But this same hunter can take that animal and roast it first; not with the intention of consuming it immediately, but with the intention of processing various parts of the animal (like the horn, skin, the flesh and hoof) to preserve them and make it possible for them to be used for various valuable purposes beyond eating alone. Such a hunter can then sell these various parts and derive more value and benefit from that single animal because he decided to roast it or process it for more valuable uses. This can be applied in various areas of life and as regards your audio and video files, the basic way you can roast them i