‘Roast’ Your Audio/ Video Files (Make Your Substance Precious)


“The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” Prov.12:27

In his book ‘Buy The Future’, Dr. Mensah Otabil used the above scripture to give a very powerful admonition of how a hunter can kill an animal, take it home and cook it for his immediate consumption and that will be the end of that hunting effort. But this same hunter can take that animal and roast it first; not with the intention of consuming it immediately, but with the intention of processing various parts of the animal (like the horn, skin, the flesh and hoof) to preserve them and make it possible for them to be used for various valuable purposes beyond eating alone. Such a hunter can then sell these various parts and derive more value and benefit from that single animal because he decided to roast it or process it for more valuable uses.

This can be applied in various areas of life and as regards your audio and video files, the basic way you can roast them is by transcribing them. When you have a transcript of such files you can make use of the same content from those files for various valuable purposes. Let’s say it is a sermon for example. From the transcript of that sermon you can do the following:
1. Develop Bible Study Manuals
2. Write Daily Devotionals
3. Develop Training Courses
4. Have content for your church blog and social media posts
5. Write books, etc.

Do you get the picture? More people can then learn, benefit and derive value from that sermon and the content is also preserved and more accessible (in case anything happens to the audio or video file). Your transcribed version of your audio/video files is a very precious and valuable resource to have.

At Naphtali Publishers we have good transcriptionists that can help you ‘roast’ (transcribe) your audio/video files promptly and excellently and we are very willing to help you achieve this.

Contact us today on 08111716792 or send a mail to naphtalipublishingcompany@gmail.com


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