Please Help If You Can

I heard on the news this morning (Sat.16th May, 2020) that out of about 74,000 inmates in Nigeria about 52,000 of them are awaiting trial.
The Chief Justice of Nigeria is therefore encouraging courts to speed up trials to help decongest the prisons in these times of the pandemic.
One reason I was moved by this news is because some years ago, while on an outreach to a prison in Sapele, I met a man who had been accused (& not yet convicted) of stealing an empty crate of drinks....and guess what? He had been awaiting trial for one year.
So why am I making this post?
I am appealing to NGOs and other Legal Aid individuals and organizations who have been very helpful in this regard in the past and those who desire to assist in this regard to please kindly rise to the situation in any way they can.
Someone's life may just depend on that your kind help & you never can tell the great impact your help can have on so many other lives, our nation and the future.
God Himself will reward for your help.
Thank you so much & God Bless.

Written by Ifoghale Efeturi,


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