Spirit Media

Intro: There has been a desire in my heart for a long time to write an article on 'Spirit Media' and today I saw an animated video clip that spurred me on to write it. 

Show Up: A phrase that has also been in my heart in line with 'Spirit Media' is this - "one of the ways to disrupt (in a positive sense now) is to show up". Through us God wants to intervene in all forms of media by His Spirit. For this to happen, we have to be deliberate. As God stirs up things in our hearts, we must be ready to incubate upon them (by the Spirit) then like a child developing in the womb, we allow the Spirit to move us to give body to the seed God has birthed in us and at maturity, we birth (bring forth those things) in forms that the world around us can embrace and relate to (like media - graphics, print, audio & visuals) for only then can the life of God in those things penetrate and have the kind of influence it is supposed to have.

The word (and divine inspirations) that God births in our hearts needs to be made flesh (carry physical forms) and dwell among us (men) so that men can behold His glory - the glory of the Son of God who is in us and who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14 - adapted).

There's An Urgent Need of God in Media: The grace and truth of God needs to fill the airwaves and all forms of media, to disrupt the present evil and lies prevailing in the atmosphere. Media is currently discipling (influencing) generations and shifting cultures faster than it has ever done in history. God wants to invade the media space with His amazing love and grace, but He can only do it if we give Him the chance to - by being more deliberate about receiving, incubating upon, giving body & flesh to and birthing the word & inspirations He lays in our hearts by His Spirit.

They that Are with Us Are More: Herod felt threatened by the news of the birth of Jesus and tried to stop Him but he couldn't. No system or structure, no matter how powerful they think they may be will be able to stop the birthing and prevalence of God's agenda in media once we are yielded and we co-operate with God.

As the Holy Spirit over-shadowed Mary and orchestrated the entire birthing process, He will overshadow us and enable us also.

As Elizabeth was a forerunner model and encouragement to Mary for what God was about to do both in her and through her, God has used a lot of our fathers and mothers in the faith, to do great things via media, but those things were just to prepare the way for the greater and more glorious things that He wants to birth and do through us in this generation.

No Abortions: Thank God that Mary never gave in to any discouragements and fears of uncertainties and controversies that she may have had throughout her tough and trying time of pregnancy and thank God that she did not abort the seed of Jesus that God planted in her. May God help us in this generation to not abort or ignore the seeds and promptings He lays in our hearts for the righteous invasion He wants to embark upon through us in the media space. Thank God for the great support of Joseph too. Many strategic partnerships and supports have already been provided by God to assist us in this time and in this process. We shall discern these partnerships and partake of them.
Go Ahead and Birth It: There was no room in the inn for Mary to birth Jesus....but where she eventually found to birth Jesus was not a limitation to the great impact Jesus was destined to have. Don't be discouraged that you do not have all the infrastructure and technical support that you think you need to birth the things God is laying in your heart. Go ahead and birth it. 'Wise men' have already picked up your signal in the spirit. They have seen your star and they are coming from the 'East' to bow down in acknowledgment of the divine unction and grace in that which you are birthing from God and they will give you gold, frankincense and myrrh for the promotion and advancement of the mission that divine seed has been sent to carry out. Like a spiritual chain of reactions, that which you birth will lead to the inspiration and birthing of many other things from God through many others.

Conclusion: Through us, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the seas, Hab.2:14.
The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever, Rev.11:15.

I must stop here now.

Thank you for reading.

   Written by Ifoghale Efeturi,
     (May 6th, 2020 around 7:00am)


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