
Showing posts from May, 2020


I heard the above headline on the news this morning (Sun.31st May, 2020). Having visited and related with the head of the IDP Camp before, I put a call across to him and I spoke with him about the issue. He confirmed it and he also told me that presently the total number of people on the camp is slightly above 4000 (Four Thousand)! If you will like to make any contribution towards the support of the camp please feel free to call: Pst Solomon Folorunsho 08033441246 Or send your support to: Home for The Needy Foundation 1016337322 Zenith Bank or Home for The Needy Foundation 0490349240 GT Bank Thank you and God Bless you greatly' Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

The Link to My first Mini-eBook

Hello everyone, sometime in April 2020, I was privileged to share God's word online in a whatsapp group and after the message I decide to package everything I shared there into a min-ebook so I can share that same message with a lot more people.  To download a FREE copy of this mini-ebook for yourself, simple click on the link to my linktree profile below and when on the site, click on the green bar that has the title of the book as shown in the image below: Thank you and God Bless you!

Gospel Buzz - Episode 1

Welcome to the maiden edition of GOSPEL BUZZ! Our mission it to bring you trending good news that will greatly benefit you. We will begin by reviewing and bringing to you some activities in this past week.  First on our list is the movie The TRAIN: This movie is brought to you by Mount Zion Film Productions and it is a true life story of Mike Bamiloye who is the founder and president of Mount Zion Drama Ministry and Mount Zion Television.  This movie has been trending on number 1 spot on YouTube for over a week now. That's an amazing feat if you ask me. The movie has also had a lot of wonderful reviews so far.  Next is the birthday of Rev Chris Onayinka May 11th was the day to celebrate this man of God and social media was agog with well wishes to him. We thank God for his life and great impact in the lives of many and we pray for more of God's grace upon Him. On Wednesday 13th of May 2020, CGMI The Historic Miracle Centre, Benin City held a Globa

Please Help If You Can

I heard on the news this morning (Sat.16th May, 2020) that out of about 74,000 inmates in Nigeria about 52,000 of them are awaiting trial. The Chief Justice of Nigeria is therefore encouraging courts to speed up trials to help decongest the prisons in these times of the pandemic. One reason I was moved by this news is because some years ago, while on an outreach to a prison in Sapele, I met a man who had been accused (& not yet convicted) of stealing an empty crate of drinks....and guess what? He had been awaiting trial for one year. So why am I making this post? I am appealing to NGOs and other Legal Aid individuals and organizations who have been very helpful in this regard in the past and those who desire to assist in this regard to please kindly rise to the situation in any way they can. Someone's life may just depend on that your kind help & you never can tell the great impact your help can have on so many other lives, our nation and the future. God Himself wi

Happy Mother's Day to My Darling Wife!

I could not have asked for a better wife & mother of our daughter because you have beat my imaginations & exceeded my expectations already. Happy Mothers Day to you my darling wife @thelearningchampions Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

Happy Mother's Day to the best Mother-In-Law in the World

Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

Happy Mother's Day to My Dear Mum

She did not just sit and watch our infant heads,  she stood up and worked to make sure we were fed, not just in our stomachs alone but also in our spirits, souls and our heads. I love you dear Mum, We your children and all the uncountable number of people you have been a blessing to say "We love you" Happy Mother's Day! Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

Interview About Indirect Messages & Posts

GBN Reporter : What should a person do when they think that someone is indirectly referring to them with their message or their social media posts?  Ifo Efeturi:  Well, I feel that when  we think that someone may be indirectly referring to us by their message or social media post, we may just be over estimating our worth and expressing our level of insecurity and idleness. The reason is I don't believe that everybody has the time to just focus on you and make their message or social media posts to be all about you. I also think that if they really care about you, they will directly tell you their concerns about you and if they have concerns but can’t tell you, why should you care and suspect negatively when it may not be true.  Well, if you suspect that what they are saying may be true as regards something you are doing wrong, then like every normal person should do, learn from the message or post and move on without being distracted by focusing on assuming that th


#Testimony #Light #Salt Dr @emmanueloduware #ThankYou #WellDoneSir #GodBlessYou #GodBlessAllOurFrontliners #WeWinAlways #2Cor2vs14 Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

No Caption Needed

On it's own, the graphic and quote is a call to action and reminder of our identity. As believers we are made for times like this. Think about it. Post by Ifoghale Efeturi,

Happy Happy Birthday to 5 Special People

I found out that there are 5 people I know who are celebrating today so I decided to do a combined shout out to all of them while saying something special about each of them. I'll start with Pst Poju Oyemade. I don't need to say anything because you know it all (smiles). A great teacher of God's Word and Senior Pastor of The Covenant Nation who has blessed and influenced my life a lot. I have visited his ministry website  and I have downloaded and also bo ught a couple of his messages. Mazi Bugie Okhuemoi  is just an excellent man. I met him in an event where we were both speakers and I was blown away by the wonderful way he spoke and what he spoke about. It was something about many positive opportunities that young people can take advantage of using the internet. It was very inspiring, amazing and eye opening. Rev  Ivie Osagiede  is a pastor and mother indeed. Her smile is contagious and her heart is so warm and welcoming. She is the past

We Have Divine Escorts


Massive CONGRATS To Our Dear Sister SINACH!!!

I heard this is first in history and first from a black person. Wow!!! Massive  CONGRATS  to our dear sister - Sinach! Kingdom Creatives.....ARISE!!!!!!!! # SpiritMedia

Cheers to a Genius

When we were growing up, my Dad used to do something strange but wonderful. He would buy gospel worship audio and video tapes and before he gives it to us, he would dub or record one or two copies of them and give one or the original to us. He did this so that in case one gets bad, we still had others to fall back on. Wow! These gospel musicals had a lot of impact on us. My immediate elder brother for example became so inspired and attached to a pianist he usually saw on int egrity music videos. The pianists name is Tom Brooks. My brother picked up the tapes and began to rehearse with them. Today, my brother does not only play like Tom Brooks, I think he also looks like Tom Brooks a lil bit (smiles). His birthday was yesterday and I couldn't give him a public shout out due to some work pressures but I decided today to still give him the public shout out and also do this post I have been longing to do about him. He has a few of his recent soundtracks on his YouTube page

Happy Wedding Anniversary To A Wonderful Couple

Sometime around the end of 2011 or so, I was preparing for my wedding which was to hold in April 2012 and I was a bit worried about finances and many other things and while praying one day, I was led to go and visit Rev  Craig Omorotionmwan  in Benin. I was pastoring in Sapele at the time. He was a full time pastor like me and he had just married about a year ago or so. Yes, I think I was one of his grooms men even! So I met him and he welcomed me so well and he gave me so man y encouraging word and testimonies that really blessed me and blew my mind. The summary of what he told me was simply "put your trust in God". I left his house with so much joy and confidence and really God showed up for me in my wedding. For example in March which was a month to my wedding, my monthly income miraculously doubled. Well, today (7th May, 2020) is his 9th wedding anniversary! I could write another full epistle on his lovely wife Rev  Bunmi Banire Omorotionmwan . She is just an awe

Spirit Media

Intro: There has been a desire in my heart for a long time to write an article on 'Spirit Media' and today I saw an animated video clip that spurred me on to write it.  Show Up:  A phrase that has also been in my heart in line with 'Spirit Media' is this - "one of the ways to disrupt (in a positive sense now) is to show up". Through us God wants to intervene in all forms of media by His Spirit. For this to happen, we have to be deliberate. As God stirs up things in our hearts, we must be ready to incubate upon them (by the Spirit) then like a child developing in the womb, we allow the Spirit to move us to give body to the seed God has birthed in us and at maturity, we birth (bring forth those things) in forms that the world around us can embrace and relate to (like media - graphics, print, audio & visuals) for only then can the life of God in those things penetrate and have the kind of influence it is supposed to have. The word (and div