
Showing posts from April, 2020

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part O (Finale)

God's goodness is the most unexplored reality in existence. We have a responsibility to steward the knowledge of God's goodness. It's ultimate waste of time to anchor our souls on everything but God's goodness. We have a responsibility to manifest the realities of the Kingdom in such a way that many people around us are influenced to do same. We owe the world: 1. An encounter with God; to be so full of the Spirit that He overflows into the lives of others through us. 2. To live an exemplary life; modelling how to do life from our experience and consciousness of God's goodness. 3. A message of Good News; about salvation and about God's rule over everything that exists in the natural and spiritual realm.  Everything God rules over has life, freedom, beauty and order. We must be careful about what we say and we must declare more that God is in charge and He longs to manifest His goodness everywhere. Right believing is good but it must be acco

What a Beautiful Name it is - by Dr Phil Ransome Bello

This short video of the wonderful rendition of this lovely song is going to bless you. Just click play and be blessed: Dr Philip Ransom-Bello is the first of 5 children born to Bishop Ransom Bello and Rev Mrs Julie Bello. Being raised and taught by parents who were steep in kingdom service, Dr Phil at the age of 9, saw the call of God on his life and this was backed by many words and prophecies over his life at that early age. Since then, as a teenager,  he served as one of the leaders of the teenage church of Calvary Life Assembly, Kano. At Igbinedion University where  he studied and graduated with a degree in Medicine and Sugery, he served twice as the President of Christian Fellowship International chapter, and was 2 times President of the Christian Community on Campus (CCC), charged with overseeing over 17 Christian Fellowships.  While undergoing his houseman ship at the University of Benin Teaching  Hospital, Dr Phil served under the Church of God Mission In

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part N

Our knowledge of God should take us to Him. The size of God in our eyes must always be bigger than the devil and all our problems. We should not miss the opportunities we have to give God the sacrifice of praise in moments we don't understand or exactly like what is happening around us.  Faith doesn't deny the existence of a problem, it only denies it a place of influence.  Our faith needs to endure in times of trials. We don't get the peace that passes all understanding until we give up our right to understand.  God is attracted to weakness and brokenness. Not broken and depressed but broken because of our tenderness to Him.  God wants us to seek Him for His promises to manifest  When answers to prayer come to a yielded heart they release greater strength.  There are times when our love for God can be measured by what we hate. We are supposed to hate the things He hates. God hates sickness and disease  Sometimes we may be in dilemmas like

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part M

We should look forward to Christ's return but not forsake our responsibility of transforming our societies. When revival focuses on just the return of Christ it ends, while when revival focus on providing answers to people's lives it persists. Many people have allowed their anticipation of Christ's return to make them lose hope and refuse to develop and position themselves for influence and transformation of their societies. They focus on the return of our King instead of spreading His influence to others. This has given room to so much negative influence in positions of power today resulting in more evil and destruction of society. We must not curse our persecutors but bless them. It is undeserved blessing that changes society not curses. The only way we can overcome evil with good is when we believe that righteousness is more powerful than sinfulness.  Instead of being selfishly concerned about leaving this world, we should be concerned about the millions

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part L

Jesus is totally God and totally man. When He was on earth He did nothing as God. He chose to live with the restrictions and limitations of man. He was totally yielded to God and He did nothing of Himself. Being like us, He gave us an example to follow. That it is possible as a man to do what He did relying on God’s leading and ability in us. We should not be content to live any less than Jesus lived when He was on this earth. Two things from Jesus' life that will help us live as He lived are: 1. He had no sin and His Blood has freed us from sin too. 2. Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is why He told His disciples to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We have the empowerment of the Spirit that Jesus had. Demonstrating God's will requires risk. We need God working with us to accomplish His will, Mark 16:20. It must be beyond our talent and discipline. Things our talent and discipline can do will not challenge the powers of darkness and stir

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part K

What we call the Lord's Prayer is an example of the things we should put our attention and affection on when we are praying. It should be called the Disciple's Prayer.  The Kingdom of God becomes manifest through prayer. From the opening and closing of the prayer Jesus taught, we see that it's all about the Father's Kingdom. It's about family. The Kingdom of God is about family.  Our effectiveness in ministry and representing Jesus well is greatly hinged on our deep understanding that God is really good.  We prophesy according to our faith (Rom.12:6). It is easier to prophesy judgment than reformation when our confidence is more in the power of sin than in the power of the gospel. By faith (intimacy with God) we need to know and declare the purposes of God and pour out His Spirit for our society to be blessed and enhanced. We are not to just talk about the evil going on like our TV newscasters and Newspapers do. Like Jesus said to His dis

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part J

In the feeding of the five thousand, the disciples of Jesus felt it was not possible so they were not willing to do anything about it. But Jesus knew it was possible so He activated God’s provision for that situation. Many times God wants us to understand His will, believe it and activate it instead of allowing things go bad and then blame Him for it by saying it was His will or that He allowed it.  Stupidity often looks like intelligence in the absence of experience. - Bill Johnson  God has desires that may or may not be fulfilled. He has the power to do whatever He wants but He wants us to take responsibility and co-labour with Him for the fulfillment of His will (Thelemas) on the earth.  Is God really in control i.e. responsible for everything that happens; like Hitler, cancer and earthquakes? He is in charge but He is not in control, like a parent is in charge of what happens in the home but not everything that happens in the home is approved or the idea of th

My Summary of Bill Johnson's Book "GOD IS GOOD" - Part I

We can't blame God for all the evils in the world because He has given us freewill. God can invade this world forcefully to fix all the problems but that will mean Him taking away one of the greatest things He created - our freewill. He has chosen instead to invade this world with His love. He wants us to be so conquered by His love and sacrifice for us through Christ that we yield ourselves to Him and receive all the solutions He has in store for us.  Jesus perfectly revealed God's heart in every situation He found Himself. He never permitted evil to prevail. God’s willingness to display His goodness and love in various situations of mankind has not ended. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. To the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, Isa.9:7 We never go back in our revelation and experience of the Kingdom. We keep going forward and it keeps getting better. Jesus said we would do the works He did and even greater works, John 14:12