
Showing posts from December, 2015


 (Excerpt from a Message by Rev. Laurie Idahosa) Isaiah 43:18 says remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old and Isaiah 46:9 says remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.  It seems contradictory that God says don’t remember the past and he also says remember the past; but it is not. When God says remember the past He is saying remember the joys, victories and successes of the past. The things He did in your life. And when God says forget the past the things He wants you to forget are the pains and failures of the past. There is no woman who focuses on the pain she went through during her child birth. What she focuses on is the joy that a child has been born into the world. What you choose to remember and focus on will affect your ability to be strong and move forward with your life. You must deliberately decide what you will remember and what you will forget from now

(Study) Growing in your Christ Consciousness

                                       Text: Ephesians 3:17, Galatians 2:20, Galatians 4:19 Introduction: As a believer, one of the major growths that should be taking place in your life is your growth in your Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness here means having the same mindset that Christ has and seeing yourself the exact way that Christ sees Himself. If you are going to represent Christ effectively, then having His mindset is a must and seeing yourself the way He sees Himself is a must. Exposition of our Texts: Eph.3:17 – Ephesians 1:1 shows us that this verse was written to the saints and faithful in Christ who were at Ephesus. This shows us that it is one thing for Christ to be in you and another thing for Christ to dwell in you by faith. Christ dwells in you by faith as you develop His mindset and see yourself as Him.       Gal.2:20 – Apostle Paul had a certain mindset that made him live the way he did. He saw himself as dead and saw himself as Chris


Today we shall study a few scriptures to get a deeper understanding about God’s mind when it comes to interceding for others. * Ephesians 6:18 - Praying for others is something we should always do. We should persevere and be persistent in it. * Luke 22:31-32 - our prayers can help sustain the faith of others and prevent the devil from sifting them as wheat. * John 17:9-21 - Interceding for others was a major part of Jesus’ life. He prayed for His disciples and even prayed for us who will become saved through the ministry of the disciples. * Rom.1:9, 1Thes.1:2, Philemon 1:4 - Paul always gave thanks and prayed for other believers. * Col.4:12 - Paul said Epaphras labored fervently in prayers for the Colossian believers,. The following are examples of people that we can intercede for: Believers, Family members, Spiritual leaders (Eph.6:19, Col.4:3), Governmental Leaders, All citizens of your country (1Tim.2:1-4), specific people you know have needs. Exercise

The Fulfillment of Obadiah 1:17

Obadiah 1:17 says b ut upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of  Jacob shall possess their possessions. In the Old Testament, this scripture was a prophecy but in the New Testament it is already a reality. We have come to Mount Zion, Heb.12:22 (In Christ). Actually we (who believe in Christ) are mount Zion. We are the city of the living God. A city set on a hill that cannot be hid. We have been delivered, Col.1:12-13, Heb.2:14-15 (In Christ).   We have been made holy, 1Cor.1:2, Heb.10:14 (In Christ). What our real Possessions are – Obadiah 1:18-20 (The areas over which you are consuming people – having influence) Psa.2:8 The Purpose of Possessing our possession (having influence) is Kingdom Advancement – Obadiah 1:21, Acts 1:6-8 We are in the days of His power , Psa.110:1-2, Heb.1:1-3, 13. God is empowering us to go into our various spheres of influence and function and conquer just as Jesus functio


(Excerpts from a message) by Rev. Wale Ajayi shared during the Benson Idahosa University All Believers Congress 2015.         Don’t allow the spectacular to distract you from the supernatural. During Elijah’s encounter with God in the cave, God was not in the wind, fire or thunder but in a still small voice.  Tongues of fire is not just about the fire you experience here but about how after you receive empowerment from the spirit you go and set you campus or environment on fire for God. God usually sends His fire as a response to a sacrifice that is made. When we exercise faith in the perfect sacrifice of Christ for us, God sends the fire of His Spirit to us. This is why Paul asked the believers if they had received the Spirit since they believed. Believing in the perfect sacrifice of Christ for you is the key to receiving the empowerment of the Spirit in your life.