Taking Initiative for our Church Media

I feel really bad whenever I find out a church message is not being recorded. The reason is because of how easy it is to record. With just a laptop you can easily record the message and members can have these messages on their phones or in CD format. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God.

There are certain things we don't do because we think it is too difficult; but if we just make a move and make some enquiries, we may be shocked at how easy it actually is.

You can get a fairly used laptop for a little amount and you can get someone to install the software for recording. I can link you to someone if you are interested.

I must also encourage more believers to volunteer to help in this area both in their church and in other churches.

When I pastored a church many years ago, God blessed me with so many wonderful partners. People who volunteered to do so many things for us as a church. In fact there was a time a brother named Tega would come and help us fix our sound system around 7am on Sunday morning before going to his own church which was nearby. I will be forever grateful to this great man. 

Yes, Rev. Ayidu Christopher severally brought his own laptop for us to use in recording in church. In fact this man volunteered almost everything he had from his house to his car, to his money, his photo studio office and so many more things just for church to use. I am eternally grateful to this great man. 

I must also mention my own blood brothers. Mr Oreva Efeturi brought his own keyboard and even programmed beats for us to use during praise and worship. Mr Efeturi Ofego brought his laptop and together with his team, they took our media unit to the next level. They even contributed money to buy a printer that prints on CDs. 

I am forever and eternally grateful to my blood brothers as well as so many other great partners and brethren that God blessed us with like Rev. Cece & her husband, Pst Adodo Tosan, Pst Mudi Okomado, Mr Agbroko Ogheneochuko and so many more. I am sorry for almost turning this into an appreciation letter, but I mentioned these people because when most of them were doing these things church total attendance was about 17 - 20. 

Well, back to the point. I really want to encourage us to volunteer in our churches. Help to do those little things that can make a great difference. You may just have to start it and some one else will take over from you.

So, media please. Lets partner more and take our church media to the next level. Some other time I will talk about why it seems our church program videos hardly come out.

Thank you and God Bless!

Ifoghale Efeturi,


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