Calm Down, Recall & Recreate

Sometime ago, I tried making a post online but because of network issues, the post did not go online. I kept trying till I got to the office and eventually the post got deleted. Ha!

Guess what I decided to do?
I decided to calm down, recall and recreate the post again. And this time around I could even add some things that were not in the earlier post.

As a writer or in whatever you do, sometimes you may forget or lose some valuable resource that you have or want to make use of, but that doesn't mean you can't get it back again.

If computers can have recycle bins, trust me, your brain and mind is much more tech than a computer. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. So don't lose it because of what you lost. Calm down, recall and recreate it again.

You can tap into that flow of inspiration again and this time you can come out with an upgraded version that would even beat the earlier one. 

The major reason we don't recall what we forgot is due to the agitation that we lost it in the first place. Here's something you can do. First don't panic. This is so important. Believe you will recall it. Then try to go back to what you were thinking of or what you were doing before you had that thought. If it still doesn't come, just keep moving on with what you're doing. It will come like a flash. This works for me every time.

The axe head will float again. Kai! only a few people may have caught that. Sometime ago, God told me that the axe head (that Elisha helped a son of the prophet to divinely recover from the water in 2Kings 6:5-7), can refer to creativity or cutting edges that were lost.

So back to the thought.

Oh oh it seems like I lost the I need to stop writing now and calm down, and.....also allow you do the same if you need to. I hope you get the point sha?

Wish you all the best!

Post by Ifoghale Efeturi, 


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