Share the Word

Sometime ago, my pastor (Bishop Wale Ajayi) said something that really struck me. He said many of us believers behave like the four lepers in 2Kings 7:8, who were going from tent to tent eating great food and gathering great materials and hiding them for themselves, until they came to themselves and realised that what they were doing was not good; because that was a day of good tidings and it was wrong for them to keep quiet and keep the good things they had found to themselves.

He said, we go from one service, meeting or great event to the other and receive great revelations, blessings and impartations, but we keep silent and keep those things to ourselves when we are in the day of the Good News. We ought to share the great things we have received with as many people as possible. 

Thank God for social media and thank God for the compassion and boldness to speak to people around us about the Gospel of Christ and the great and wonderful things that have blessed and inspired us.

Do you know that each time you like or share something like a church message post on social media, you massively increase the number of people likely to see that post by the number of friends you have on that platform?

You never can tell who will be greatly encouraged and blessed by that post you like or share or write yourself. So lets be more deliberate about sharing the Good News of Christ. Our world will surely be a better place for it.

Thank you and God Bless!

Ifoghale Efeturi,


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