As You Prepare to Enter the University

Over the weekend, I had the privilege to share with outgoing SS3 students of Patricia Private School, Benin City about ‘The Campus’. And this is what I said to them:

There are three things I will be telling you about:

1. One major difference between secondary school and university,

2. The implication of this difference,

3. The purpose of the university.

One Major Difference between secondary school and university – is the reduction of external controls. For example in the university, no one will tell you when to sleep, wake up, how to dress, to attend classes and to read and write your exams like it was in secondary school. 

The implication of this difference – when many young people think of the word 'control' what comes to their mind is restriction and limitation but control actual enhances effectiveness and progress. The electricity in a building is able to provide power for the appliances in a building because it has been properly controlled or channeled in that building. If this was not properly done that same beneficial power can electrocute and endanger the lives of people in that same building. Even when you think of football, like the ongoing World Cup, do you know that if there were no lines on the field to demarcate the throw area and goal post and if there were no rules for foul play and free kicks and amount of time to play, the game will be almost aimless. People would play any how, hurt others and achieve nothing at the end of the day. The controls programed into the game actually give purpose and meaning to the game.

So, even though external controls are going to reduce as you get into the university, your internal control of yourself needs to increase if you want to be successful in the university.

One thing that helps you control yourself is the vision you have for yourself. What grade do you want to come out with at the end of your university schooling? You must also be aware that most times in the university, your final grade is determined by an aggregate or sum of your performance in every level and not just your performance in your final year. So don’t think that you have all the time and you can play away your first few years, then get serious in your last few years and come out with a good grade. No no!

Beyond just grades, you should also be thinking about what people your age are doing in other countries. Facebook was initially a school assignment. If Mark Zuckerberg was not serious with school, he would not be making the billions he is making from facebook right now. Your controlling yourself will also help you overcome the challenges you are going to face.

Finally, The Purpose of the University is Focus. When you were in secondary school you did general courses as a foundation for the focus you are going to have in the university. There is even an exam called GCE (General Certificate Exam) that many secondary school leavers also do. Your certificate from secondary school did not have a specific course name, but your certificate from university will have a specific name that shows your focus. Now, though the university is a place for focus, there are SO MANY distractions in the university; both good and bad ones! Almost everything you will see in the real world will be found in the university. You have to be very focused and know what you want and where you are going, to succeed in the university. Your friend is not anyone that makes you happy but anyone that can help you achieve your goals. So choose your friends wisely.

Do not be distracted by cults, drugs, alcohol, partying and even relationships (I mean with the opposite sex). Relationship is for marriage. Until you are ready to get married, don’t get into a relationship. One secret of heart breaks is going into relationship when you are not ready for marriage. Many people in relationships think they like each other because of how they feel when they touch each other, but that is just a deception and distraction when they should be controlling themselves and really getting to know each other. God made sex for covenant and procreation. He made it pleasurable not so that we can play with it, but so people can have pleasure with their spouses and enjoy the process of having children. Every human being is a spirit, soul and body. Before marriage it is your spirit and soul that should come together and after marriage your body should come together to seal the covenant and bring forth children. Of course, you can have friends of the opposite sex and then from your friends you can choose when you are ready. Now that you are young, learn how to control your sexual urges because even after you are married you will be tempted sexually and you will have to control yourself. By the way, there is no married couple that has sex every day.  

As I close I want you to know that school does not make you anything; it only brings out what is inside you. The word education is from a word ‘educo’ that means to educe or to bring out. When you decide to study Law for example, school or education will not make you a lawyer it will only bring out the lawyer in you. You are already a lawyer so start seeing yourself that way. God declares the end from the beginning and He calls things that are not as though they were. God already sees you and calls you a lawyer; so start thinking like a lawyer, dressing like a lawyer, behaving like a lawyer and attend school seriously like a lawyer. Never introduce yourself as a student. When you are asked what you do, say I am a lawyer; and when you are asked where you work, say I am still studying. This mindset will affect how you approach your studies and at the end of the day when you come out with very good grades, the things your mates will be pursuing after will be pursuing after you. 
I have to stop now because of the time. I hope you have been inspired by this brief piece.
I wish you all the very best.

Ifoghale O. Efeturi, 


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