Thank You…for not letting go


This is an appreciation message for every unsung hero. Some time ago, there was this news about how a young Malian saved a little boy by climbing up four stories balconies in Paris. Now there is a part of this story that is very vital but not so much talked about. Like you can see from the picture above, a man was actually holding the little boy before the Malian came around to help in saving the boy. I don’t know the story behind what really happened, but I’m sure you will agree with me that if for any reason the man holding the boy had let go of the little boy, the story would have been very very different.
To me, this is a picture of what goes on so many times in our world. The fact that you didn’t get an appreciation or applause doesn’t mean you didn’t do anything and it doesn’t mean that what you did was not valuable. You alone and maybe very few people may know what you really did and because you didn’t do it for applause or appreciation and recognition, you must not be discouraged that you did not get any or enough appreciation or recognition. One thing that you get from whatever you do is who you become as a result of what you do. So even though what you did was not really known, it has helped you to grow and become a better person. You have also helped the world to become a better place. You must know how to find joy and fulfilment in that and not in temporal social media trending or accolades.
Also know that God does not see and reward the way that man sees and rewards. God sees and rewards way much better and perfectly. So don’t be upset or carried away by the immediate. Always keep looking forward to the ultimate. 

You may never hear it enough or as much as you deserve, but I want to tell you thank you for that good thing you are doing that nobody may know you are doing. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for all the strings you pull behind the scenes. Your efforts are very valuable and they are making the world a better place. Please don’t be discouraged. Please don’t let applause dictate your commitment and response. Someone else is going to say a bigger thank you to you very soon. I am talking about the ‘you that you will become in the nearest future’.


Maybe you are a single mother or father, or an assistant or a medical, legal or some other staff feeling overworked, underpaid and misunderstood. You may be in quality control, accounts, recruitment or the procurement unit of your organization or some other sensitive position where the pressure to compromise is so high yet the recognition and appreciation for your staying true is not just there.You may be a spiritual leader or a government official.
Look at this scripture I found some time ago:

Thank you…for not letting go and please don’t give up. Stay the course and stay on point. Keep giving your best. Keep maximizing your potentials. You are growing, you are pleasing God and you are making the world a better place.

Thank you once again, and God Bless You.      

Ifoghale Efeturi,


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