Overcoming Writer's Block - Part 2

If you have not yet read Part 1 of this article please kindly go through my previous posts to do so.

This is vital because it provides the foundation for the second tip I am about to share with you. Okay, let’s jump right into it.

The second tip for Overcoming Writer’s Block Permanently is: ‘Be more deliberate about capturing your creative ideas or inspired thoughts.’   

Do you have times when inspired thoughts or ideas come to your mind but because you don’t have any device to write it down or capture it, you lose the inspired thought or idea? Maybe it came to you at a time or place where it was not convenient for you to capture it. It happens to almost everybody and so many inspired thoughts and creative ideas are lost because of this.

If you can be very deliberate about capturing your inspired thoughts, you will have so much inspired thoughts to work on that even when it seems like you do not have a lot of inspiration or flow, from the inspired thoughts you have captured you will be able to keep yourself in the iZone or the creative flow.

Let me give you an illustration. When you capture an event or celebration with a photograph, do you know that much later when you look at that photograph the memory of that event or celebration can stir up certain emotions and moods in you? In the same way, when you capture an inspired thought, just looking at that inspired thought much later can stir up inspiration and creative flow in you.  
Don’t wait till when you are ready to write or create something before capturing your inspired thoughts. Act as though you will give account of what you did with all the inspired thoughts and ideas that ever came to your mind. Capture your inspired thoughts every day and everywhere. Expect them to come. Look out for them and as they come capture them. Write them down or record them. Use the notes section of your phone. Use your phone voice recorder or even your phone camera. Send it as an email to yourself.

Joseph in the Bible gathered so much grains in the years of plenty that in the years of famine, the land had so much food and they did not experience shortage. When you gather so much inspired thoughts in your time of inspiration, there will be no chance for you to have writer’s block. As you keep working on the inspired thoughts you have captured in the past you will keep stirring up inspiration and flowing in that iZone and creative flow.
Does this make sense to you? If yes, please let me know. Also, what are you going to do to be more deliberate about capturing your inspired thoughts?

Thank you for reading,

Ifoghale Efeturi,


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