Overcoming Writer's Block - Part 1

Writer's Block is a temporary situation that writers and creative people sometimes find themselves in, where their minds just seem to go blank and there is no flow of their thoughts, inspiration and creative ideas. 

It can be very frustrating when you as a creative person finds yourself in this situation. But like I mentioned earlier, it is a temporal experience and sometimes after taking a break or refreshing yourself the flow can be restored again as if there was never a block. 

Some people feel that experiencing writer's block is something that is inevitable but this is not true. In my 9 years plus of writing professionally, I have experienced the frustration of writer's block a lot of times and by the grace of God for a few years now, I have also been privileged to discover and experience how to overcome writer's block. 

Please note that the tips I am going to share with you here are not things that you will do just once or overnight and bam! ....you will never experience writer's block again, just like that! No. They are things you will need to do for a period of time until after a while you discover that writer's block is not more a challenge for you.

Now, the first tip for overcoming writer's block is to deliberately connect with or immerse yourself into your source of inspiration until you break into the iZone....or the zone where you are always inspired. 

You should know the things or people that inspire you or generate that creative spark in you. Be deliberate about voraciously feasting or giving yourself to the value they deliver. As you continue to do this, there is a point the inspiration from them will fill you and begin to overflow from you. It is just like overcoming the law of gravity. There is a point where you have to apply velocity and keep going until you eventually break out of the earth's atmosphere and gravitational pull and you begin to float and glide in space.

When you are diligently giving yourself to the things and people that inspire you, you are like that jet applying velocity and ascending in the skies.

As you remain consistent, a time is going to come when you will permanently break into the space where you no longer experience writer's block. You just find yourself floating and gliding in inspiration all the time. At this stage your challenge is no more about how to be inspired but about how to capture and take action on your inspirations because they will be too much and literally overflowing from you permanently. 

In closing, one big mistake that writers and creatives make is to wait until they want to write or create something before deciding to give themselves to the things that inspire their creativity. This is reactive creativity. Proactive creativity creates the atmosphere for creativity to continue flowing permanently. In the economy of creativity you must never be caught uninspired. 

Like I mentioned earlier, every tip I will share with you is something that you must give yourself to for a long period of time. It is time for you to be more deliberate about activating and harnessing your inspiration and creative state. 

I know this tip right here will help you as you practice it. Watch out for more.

If you require any help as regards growing in your writing career or you require help concerning your book writing projects as an author, you can send me a mail via iefeturi@gmail.com or reach me via whatsapp with 08111716792 or you can just send me a direct message.


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