
Showing posts from June, 2020

Rev. Ifo Efeturi | Rain of Power (Part 3)

"The Gospel is not about what God will do. The Gospel is about what God has done through Jesus." In this third part of this wonderful message, Rev. Ifo Efeturi lists out various things that the death of Jesus has achieved for us. He goes further to show that as you believe these things that Jesus has done, you will experience the glory and the power of God in your life.

Share the Word

Sometime ago, my pastor (Bishop Wale Ajayi) said something that really struck me.  He said many of us believers behave like the four lepers in 2Kings 7:8, who were going from tent to tent eating great food and gathering great materials and hiding them for themselves, until they came to themselves and realised that what they were doing was not good; because that was a day of good tidings and it was wrong for them to ke ep quiet and keep the good things they had found to themselves. He said, we go from one service, meeting or great event to the other and receive great revelations, blessings and impartations, but we keep silent and keep those things to ourselves when we are in the day of the Good News.  We ought to share the great things we have received with as many people as possible.  Thank God for social media and thank God for the compassion and boldness to speak to people around us about the Gospel of Christ and the great and wonderful things that have blessed and insp

Taking Initiative for our Church Media

I feel really bad whenever I find out a church message is not being recorded. The reason is because of how easy it is to record. With just a laptop you can easily record the message and members can have these messages on their phones or in CD format. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God. There are certain things we don't do because we think it is too difficult; but if we just make a move and make some enquirie s, we may be shocked at how easy it actually is. You can get a fairly used laptop for a little amount and you can get someone to install the software for recording. I can link you to someone if you are interested. I must also encourage more believers to volunteer to help in this area both in their church and in other churches. When I pastored a church many years ago, God blessed me with so many wonderful partners. People who volunteered to do so many things for us as a church. In fact there was a time a brother named Tega would

Calm Down, Recall & Recreate

Sometime ago, I tried making a post online but because of network issues, the post did not go online. I kept trying till I got to the offic e and eventually the post got deleted. Ha! Guess what I decided to do? I decided to calm down, recall and recreate the post again. And this time around I could even add some things that were not in the earlier post. As a writer or in whatever you do, sometimes you may forget or lose some valuable resource that you have or want to make use of, but that doesn't mean you can't get it back again. If computers can have recycle bins, trust me, your brain and mind is much more tech than a computer. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. So don't lose it because of what you lost. Calm down, recall and recreate it again. You can tap into that flow of inspiration again and this time you can come out with an upgraded version that would even beat the earlier one.  The major reason we don't recall what we forgot is due to the agitation t

Rev. Ifo Efeturi | Rain of Power (Part 2)

In this second part of this wonderful message, Rev. Ifo Efeturi shares passionately on how your understanding of the love of God and the Gospel of Christ causes the power of God to be activated in your life. You will be mightily blessed.

Rev. Ifo Efeturi | Rain of Power (Part 1)

In this first part of this powerful message, you will receive some prophetic exhortations about the operation of the power of God in your life. You will also receive revelation from God's word about what the word 'Rain' and the word 'Power' mean to us as God's children. You will be mightily blessed.