
Showing posts from July, 2018

Thank You…for not letting go

  This is an appreciation message for every unsung hero. Some time ago, there was this news about how a young Malian saved a little boy by climbing up four stories balconies in Paris. Now there is a part of this story that is very vital but not so much talked about. Like you can see from the picture above, a man was actually holding the little boy before the Malian came around to help in saving the boy. I don’t know the story behind what really happened, but I’m sure you will agree with me that if for any reason the man holding the boy had let go of the little boy, the story would have been very very different. To me, this is a picture of what goes on so many times in our world. The fact that you didn’t get an appreciation or applause doesn’t mean you didn’t do anything and it doesn’t mean that what you did was not valuable. You alone and maybe very few people may know what you really did and because you didn’t do it for applause or appreciation and recognition, you must not