The Ideal, the Ordeal & the Real Deal

I would like to share with you briefly about what I believe the three phrases above mean and how knowing or having them is important.

Let’s start with The Ideal. The ideal is your vision or perfect picture, desire and expectation. It is your destination or end point. 

The Ordeal is your present state or what you are currently going through or experiencing. This usually refers to negative or unsatisfactory states or experiences.

The Real Deal is how you think you can convert your ordeal into your ideal. It is the practical steps, choices and moves that you know you have to make to change or move from where you are now to where you desire to be tomorrow.

The clearer and more practical and truthful you are with stating each of these things out for yourself the better for you; especially with the last two.
Don’t pretend or deceive yourself about where you are now and about what you really need to do to make that shift. Get knowledge, counsel and coaching where necessary. Pray to God and study His Word. Take action.
Don't also lose your joy because you are not there yet. You need your joy to strengthen you throughout the journey. 

No matter what your ordeal is today, you can still attain your ideal if you are ready to carry out the real deal.
Hope you get the point?!   
I wish you all the best!
I believe in you'


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