7 Simple Ways to U.P.G.R.A.D.E. Your Life

From time to time we usually desire to elevate our status or mode of operation or quality of life or level of excellence or our capacity in a certain area of our life. These 7 things I have outlined here are things that can help you achieve that upgrade that you so desire. So lets briefly look at them together:

U - Understanding  - This also stands for getting necessary information, knowledge, and wisdom about that area of your life that you desire to upgrade. Little adjustments in major areas can bring about great differences, but knowing the little adjustments to make is often the challenge. So be inquisitive. Ask questions, get counsel, get training, read, listen and meditate on as much knowledge about your desired area until you increase in understanding about what to do differently and the best possible way to do it. 

P - Prioritizing - Knowing how to put first things first is one of the major aspects of self leadership. Having known the various things you need to do and having so many distractions and general things to do, you must know how to decide on what is most important and to focus on it. If you really desire an upgrade in your life then you must prioritize doing those things that you have discovered you need to do from the new knowledge and understanding you have received. Until you make them most important to you, you won't commit yourself to them and you won't have any change or new results.

G - God-Fulness - I believe that God desires that upgrade for you much more than you do for yourself and He wants to grant you the grace and every enablement and favour that you need to experience it. So, come to God, pray unto Him and study His Word. Receive His fullness concerning that desire you have to upgrade that area of your life. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path", Prov.3:5-6. "The horse is prepared for battle but safety is of the Lord", Prov.21:31. "Except the Lord builds a house they labour in vain that build it," Psalm 127:1. Except you have God's help in that upgrade you desire, all of your efforts may be in vain. 

R - Resourcefulness - Many times our challenge is not lack of resources but lack of resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is the ability to identify, acquire and utilize resources in the best possible way. So before thinking of getting more resources think of how you can be more creative with the ones you have. Upgrade your level of thinking, creativity and resourcefulness. 

A - Action - It is what you do about what you know that matters. Things won't change until you take action on them. You never know what you can do until you step out and do something. Don't wait for things to be perfect before you act or take a step. Start taking steps every day in the direction of your upgrade desire. 

D - Diligence - John Maxwell calls this stick-to-it-iveness. You must stay the course and be patient. The upgrade may not take place overnight but it will come if you keep doing what is right. Rome was not built in a day, but they were building every day. Many times you will not feel like it, but you must remain faithful in taking action and doing what is right. Give it your best shot. Don't be casual or lackadaisical about it. So many people give up just when their big break is about to come. I pray that won't be your story.

E - Eliminating Unnecessaries - Sometimes it is not what we need to do that will bring the upgrade but what we need to stop doing. Sometimes we are unable to make that shift because of certain things we are not willing to let go of. Check your life and find out what you are spending so much time or money or energy on. In what way will that thing or those people take you closer to your dreams and purpose? You have to be serious and strategic about your life. You don't have time to waste and you are not getting younger. Excuses are good reasons for bad results. They will take you no where. Stop giving excuses and let go of those things or people right now. It may just be a sacrifice you have to make now for the better future you see or desire tomorrow. Be willing to give up the immediate for the ultimate, like John Maxwell would say.     

I believe in you and I wish you all the very best 


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